Do you ever have that really uncomfortable feeling after you swallow a pill? Like it got stuck a long the way and no matter how much you drink it just won't go down? Well, I have that feeling.
I just took some pain med for my headache.
Anyway, so this may a rant-y sort of blog. In fact, yeah it will be a rant.
I just read an article, "Breast Buy"- Megan Deem, in Elle (the lady that lived here didn't cancel her subscription thus KT reads Elle) about a website that freaks me out to say the least.
So the website is called "" Guess what they do! It is a "charity" website that has women create profiles so that men (the article calls them "benefactors") can pay money toward the women getting breast implants. The article explains that the site works like this: women create a profile and then every time a man e-mails her he pays $1.20 ($1 goes to the woman and the rest to the site). The idea is that the woman is supposed to keep the men interested so they'll keep e-mailing her (sometimes sending nude photos). The money goes into her account, but if she decides against getting new boobs the money is returned to the "benefactors."
The article goes on to explain that the man that started (a bartender in my current city of SC no less!) the website came up with the idea when he was with his guy friends at a bachelor party. These charity-minded fellows were considering chipping in to help pay for a cocktail waitress's boob job (she was complaining that it cost too much). He says "It's a bit old-fashioned, but many men like being providers and helping women out financially, also, many men have a fantasy of building the 'perfect woman.' It sounds science fiction-ish, but I think it holds true for some men."
(I am sorry, but I sort of want to barf all over myself. Seriously dude???)
The article goes on to give the opinion of Rita Freedman, PhD, a psychologist in Harrison, New York, and author of Bodylove. She says "It's really nice for these men that they can relate to women as pieces. It conforms to their sense of their own masculinity, which is derived from seeing women as objects and something they can own." The article goes on to say that "it may be one reason some men actively prefer fake-looking fake boobs to semi-realistic implants or the natural, God-given kind; It's easier to dissociate the chest from the woman it's on."
How about the medical community? The article said that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons hasn't made any statement about the site yet, but the British Associate of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has something to say. "The invitation for women to post suggestive photos, sell personal items and chat with strangers over the internet in exchange for a breast augmentation is just plain disgusting."
Alright, so I am not really a fan of fake boobs in general. I always try to remind myself "to each his (or her) own." I am not totally sure what really bothers me about fake boobs. I guess it really bothers me that women can be made to feel so bad about themselves that they are willing to undergo the knife.
My opinion of fake boobies aside, what the FUCK is wrong with a society that could consider buying fake boobs a CHARITY!? "Yeah, we're so sorry you weren't born with double Ds, ma'am! We just don't see how you can survive in the world as such a breast-less freak! Let us help you become 'perfect'." (The article actually began by explaining what else $5,000.00 could buy (other than a boob job). It lists such things as 8,475 glow sticks (not charity either), 2 pairs of Manolo Blahniks (also not charity), or medical supplies for 20,500 people in Darfur according to UNICEF (there we go! that is charity).)
It just bothers me so much! Ever since I read this article I can't stop thinking about it! I don't think the problem is even that women want breast implants. Clearly, I am also not against boobs or websites with nude pictures. I think I am so pissed that some guys got together to start a CHARITY for all of the poor naturally-breasted women. I grew my own humble chest about 10 years ago and the ladies have served me well. Sure, sometimes I think "Hey ladies, if you grew a bit, that'd be cool," but I resent the thought that I could be a charity case!
So, I am sorry to anyone that just tried to muddle through my somewhat less that eloquent rant. I am just bothered and I don't feel that I can completely put to words my frustration. I know it goes way beyond the website into society in general. I am certainly not prepared or perhaps qualified to comment on that I guess.

Anyway, so this may a rant-y sort of blog. In fact, yeah it will be a rant.
I just read an article, "Breast Buy"- Megan Deem, in Elle (the lady that lived here didn't cancel her subscription thus KT reads Elle) about a website that freaks me out to say the least.
So the website is called "" Guess what they do! It is a "charity" website that has women create profiles so that men (the article calls them "benefactors") can pay money toward the women getting breast implants. The article explains that the site works like this: women create a profile and then every time a man e-mails her he pays $1.20 ($1 goes to the woman and the rest to the site). The idea is that the woman is supposed to keep the men interested so they'll keep e-mailing her (sometimes sending nude photos). The money goes into her account, but if she decides against getting new boobs the money is returned to the "benefactors."
The article goes on to explain that the man that started (a bartender in my current city of SC no less!) the website came up with the idea when he was with his guy friends at a bachelor party. These charity-minded fellows were considering chipping in to help pay for a cocktail waitress's boob job (she was complaining that it cost too much). He says "It's a bit old-fashioned, but many men like being providers and helping women out financially, also, many men have a fantasy of building the 'perfect woman.' It sounds science fiction-ish, but I think it holds true for some men."
(I am sorry, but I sort of want to barf all over myself. Seriously dude???)
The article goes on to give the opinion of Rita Freedman, PhD, a psychologist in Harrison, New York, and author of Bodylove. She says "It's really nice for these men that they can relate to women as pieces. It conforms to their sense of their own masculinity, which is derived from seeing women as objects and something they can own." The article goes on to say that "it may be one reason some men actively prefer fake-looking fake boobs to semi-realistic implants or the natural, God-given kind; It's easier to dissociate the chest from the woman it's on."
How about the medical community? The article said that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons hasn't made any statement about the site yet, but the British Associate of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has something to say. "The invitation for women to post suggestive photos, sell personal items and chat with strangers over the internet in exchange for a breast augmentation is just plain disgusting."
Alright, so I am not really a fan of fake boobs in general. I always try to remind myself "to each his (or her) own." I am not totally sure what really bothers me about fake boobs. I guess it really bothers me that women can be made to feel so bad about themselves that they are willing to undergo the knife.
My opinion of fake boobies aside, what the FUCK is wrong with a society that could consider buying fake boobs a CHARITY!? "Yeah, we're so sorry you weren't born with double Ds, ma'am! We just don't see how you can survive in the world as such a breast-less freak! Let us help you become 'perfect'." (The article actually began by explaining what else $5,000.00 could buy (other than a boob job). It lists such things as 8,475 glow sticks (not charity either), 2 pairs of Manolo Blahniks (also not charity), or medical supplies for 20,500 people in Darfur according to UNICEF (there we go! that is charity).)
It just bothers me so much! Ever since I read this article I can't stop thinking about it! I don't think the problem is even that women want breast implants. Clearly, I am also not against boobs or websites with nude pictures. I think I am so pissed that some guys got together to start a CHARITY for all of the poor naturally-breasted women. I grew my own humble chest about 10 years ago and the ladies have served me well. Sure, sometimes I think "Hey ladies, if you grew a bit, that'd be cool," but I resent the thought that I could be a charity case!
So, I am sorry to anyone that just tried to muddle through my somewhat less that eloquent rant. I am just bothered and I don't feel that I can completely put to words my frustration. I know it goes way beyond the website into society in general. I am certainly not prepared or perhaps qualified to comment on that I guess.
I am going to go read a book. Toodles!
In general, the article just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
Thanks so much for the compliments and support over my rejected set! It cheered me up.