I am in Modesto again! I seem to spend most of my weekends here. One would think I'd want to stay in the cooler weather near the beach . . . but no. Anyway, I am in good ol' Motown for JM's sister's wedding. I couldn't really miss my fiance's sister's wedding (tomorrow).
Anyway, it's warm here and I am sad. I am pretty sure I was built for a land of ice and snow or at least a land of clouds and rain. I very much dislike the hot or the sun. I am glad I will not be spending my summer in Modesto in the 113 degree heat this year! Instead, I shall spend it working and going to school in Santa Cruz. I just got my bill for my summer classes. Bleh. School costs lots o' moneys!
This school quarter has not been going as smoothly as I'd imagined. Midterms were unkind to me. I hope I actually scored higher on them than I feel like I did. I wish I'd decided to take human anatomy with Lauren! I very much wanna see the dead people!
I think I will take it in the fall if I can. It is not part of my major, but I like that stuff anyway. I was a bio major turned psych major. Now I wish I was both. I kick myself for not doing more in bio. I think that is where my interest really is. I enjoy cognitive psych because it is a lil more science-y that say psychoanalytic psych. I think I will spend my "super-senior" year at the UC taking as much bio/chem/math as I can get away with. I've taken waaaaaaaaay more psych that is required for me to graduate in tha major, but I still need units to graduate.
I hate feeling like I don't know what I wanna be when I "grow up!"
Oh! I need to sign up for the GRE . . .damn it.
I also need to apply for a job . . .
Ooooooooo!! In good news!!! JM and I have now been together for 6 years!! May 3rd was our anniversary.
Um . . .we really like poptarts (upside down)
JM got me a new sewing machine for my anniversary/birthday!! I am so excited to make so stuff! I really wanna make a corset, but I don't that I will do that just yet . . .
Check out the satan stawberry i got!
(it want's your soul!!!!)
Man, it's warm! I kinda wanna go swimming.
I wanted to see my dear friend, Matty (i don't feel like linking his SG name), but, alas, he is ill. I hope he will get better so we can see eachother. I miss the guy! It's been a long time since last I saw him. Wie traurig!
I think I might go take some pictures of the area to send Ville. Lauren and I started a LJ specifically for posting pics and goings on for our friend in Finland. I wish he could come here so I could show him around like he did for me. Some day!
Speaking of Finland . . . I wanna travel or study abroad for a bit. Lauren and i were looking into England perhaps . . .
Lots more stuff I could report, but I am bored of the blog and I wanna go find out where JM went . . .
One more pic just for fun. These stairs don't go anywhere . . .
(I always look funky in pics! Someday I'll get someone to take purty pics of me rather than goofy ones!)

Anyway, it's warm here and I am sad. I am pretty sure I was built for a land of ice and snow or at least a land of clouds and rain. I very much dislike the hot or the sun. I am glad I will not be spending my summer in Modesto in the 113 degree heat this year! Instead, I shall spend it working and going to school in Santa Cruz. I just got my bill for my summer classes. Bleh. School costs lots o' moneys!
This school quarter has not been going as smoothly as I'd imagined. Midterms were unkind to me. I hope I actually scored higher on them than I feel like I did. I wish I'd decided to take human anatomy with Lauren! I very much wanna see the dead people!

I hate feeling like I don't know what I wanna be when I "grow up!"
Oh! I need to sign up for the GRE . . .damn it.
I also need to apply for a job . . .

Ooooooooo!! In good news!!! JM and I have now been together for 6 years!! May 3rd was our anniversary.

Um . . .we really like poptarts (upside down)
JM got me a new sewing machine for my anniversary/birthday!! I am so excited to make so stuff! I really wanna make a corset, but I don't that I will do that just yet . . .

Check out the satan stawberry i got!

(it want's your soul!!!!)
Man, it's warm! I kinda wanna go swimming.
I wanted to see my dear friend, Matty (i don't feel like linking his SG name), but, alas, he is ill. I hope he will get better so we can see eachother. I miss the guy! It's been a long time since last I saw him. Wie traurig!
I think I might go take some pictures of the area to send Ville. Lauren and I started a LJ specifically for posting pics and goings on for our friend in Finland. I wish he could come here so I could show him around like he did for me. Some day!

Speaking of Finland . . . I wanna travel or study abroad for a bit. Lauren and i were looking into England perhaps . . .
Lots more stuff I could report, but I am bored of the blog and I wanna go find out where JM went . . .
One more pic just for fun. These stairs don't go anywhere . . .

(I always look funky in pics! Someday I'll get someone to take purty pics of me rather than goofy ones!)
A few days ago it was 88 here and I pretty much wanted to die. Modesto is going to suck this summer. Ok, so it was pretty humid and that may have been the problem, but still. Hot weather is yucky.
sorry, i've been sick this weekend. i was supposed to work again today, but alas i called in sick because i was blowing chunks this morning. i've been in my apartment since thursday night.