Oh! Heather said she will cut and dye my hair this weekend! Yay!! I am so very sick of the current cut. bleh I will not be sad to see it go.

In other news, I've been making stuff lately. First of all I made a bikini with an old Linux convention t-shirt.
Next I made some petit fours. They didn't turn out as pretty as I'd have liked, but they taste good. I guess I will try again later.
Finally, I made a baby blanket for my friend that is expecting near the end of May/beginning of June.
Oh, I got the two classes I want for summer. I will get 10 units and I will get my W requirement out of the way. Spiffy. Oh, and JM and I are going to take ballet together this summer. I am excited, but I am a terrible dancer so I hope it works out.
JM and I sent our friend, Ville, some Mac n' Cheese about two months ago. When we visited him (in Kuopio, Finland) he asked us if we'd make him some mac n' cheese because he wanted to try the American food. However, JM and I have both only made it from a box with the lovely powder cheese so we had to wing it. Sadly, we couldn't find any chedder cheese. Thus, JM and I mailed him some of the boxed goodness and it took two months to get there!! hehe I am glad he finally got it.
I am not sure I have anything else to report. Hmmm I painted my toenails for spring . . .
(They've been repainted black recently)
I like your new hair cute. It looks much better now.