The castle adventures continued today!
First, we went to a castle near Idar Oberstein that we had seen from the road a few times. Sadly, we (cough cough Jean-Marc chough cough) forgot the camera. We had to walk a little ways up a small road next to a creek to get to the castle. It was really beautiful up there! There was no one else around. I think we will try to go back later and take pictures.
After that we went back to the base to get some sangria, cheese and bread so we could head out to the next castle. We went back to one we'd gone to yesterday so we could take pictures. There is not much left of the castle other than a tower that was rebuilt in 1976, but JM and I climbed around the ruins anyway.
Tonight it rained a bit here in Baumholder. No snow yet. Ville did say it snowed in Finland so maybe I will get to play in the snow when we go. We will be going in just a few days!
I am excited!! I will get to see Finland and meet Ville.
Oh, I saw some really drunk army guys wrestle after shit-talking eachother in a bar tonight. JM, Fletcher, and I went out to a bar to have a beer and chat. When we got there the place was pretty empty, but there were these two guys nearly too drunk to strand slurring and arguing with eachothe. One guy was saying he had been a marine and he was hardcore and he could show the other guy a thing or two. So they went outside to duke it out. We all watched because it was really funny to see them try to fight when standing was clearly a difficulty.
I guess I should get some sleep. I am tired right now. JM and i are getting up early so I can go climb a tank in my bikini before the army people get outa church tomorrow (or wake up from their hangovers).
Few more pictures just for fun!