Tomorrow I am leavin' for my trip to Las Vegas. I am going with my dad partly for business (he is doing some engineering work on a hotel) and partly cuz he said he'd take me when I turned 21. I am really looking forward to the trip (other than the part where it is going to be really hot outside). We are going to stay at the Aladdin hotel which is snazzy cuz I have not stayed there yet and it is somewhat centerally located on the strip. I think we plan to go to 9 Fine Irishmen pub in NYNY and also to the Star Trek bar in the Hilton (I am a star trek nerd, oh yes!). Should be good times!
I should be packing right now . . .
On a less cool note I am worried about my skanks. He called me on saturday (during our snazzy party) and told me he can't call me for a few days cuz he is going to be going out someplace. That sort of freaks me out that he is on some mission in Iraq. I am carrying the phone with me everywhere hoping he'll get back and call me so I can stop worrying so much.
I miss my skankypants!

On a less cool note I am worried about my skanks. He called me on saturday (during our snazzy party) and told me he can't call me for a few days cuz he is going to be going out someplace. That sort of freaks me out that he is on some mission in Iraq. I am carrying the phone with me everywhere hoping he'll get back and call me so I can stop worrying so much.

I went to SC this last weekend with Matty to hang out and to help throw a suprise party for one of my housemate's 21st bday. I had a pretty awesome time! I am excited to be living with all those ladies soon! Also, Lauren might even go to the SG burlesque with Matty and me! I am so excited about the show! Yay!!
M'kay I think I will go pack some shit.
(Do you sneeze when you look at the sun? I do! It's called photic sneeze reflex, solar sneeze reflex, light sneeze reflex or autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome. I like the last one best!)
.....and my 5 year old nephew has the same thing, he always sneezes when he gets out into the sun, just didn't know there was a name for it!