I made a silly doll of the boy-image i have at the moment. Why is what i want most seemingly nonexistant in the real world?
Don't mind me, just grumbly musings from someone in the midst of self-imposed relationship exile. I've decided that since the boys I wanna date aren't ever interested, the boys that wanna date me are bad for me, and i can't find an interested girl i dig within about 80 miles, my only workable option is to not date. I have denied myself pursuit, and i will not accept overtures more serious than friendship at the moment. Something seems to be wrong with me relationship-wize, and i won't inflict myself upon another until i sort it out. Plus, work stress is turning me into a bitter, bitchy shell of my former self. I don't want to be around me, why would anyone else.
I assume this will resolve itself at some point, if not, oh well.