I feel naked!!! I took my tongue stud out last night. I really feel wierd without it, it had become a part of me. I'm letting it heal up for a few months so i can get it pierced straight this time. So its for a good reason, but it still feels really strange. Oh well, June 27th, I can get it repierced, and i will be.
So i made it through day one of sXe without feeling too shitty. I got kinda headachey for a while, and i really want a cigarette, but overall i'm doing pretty good i think. I'd really like a beer too, but it'll soon be here. The first step is the difficult one, it's all downhill from here, right? I'm going to stick this out. It's going to suck, but i planned it around major holidays and such, and its only a month. I'll come out stronger and smarter for it, i hope. I'll try to stay positive too, but i can feel the grumpy bug trying to bite me in the ass right now. Sorry if i bite anyone's head off for no reason.
And now, as promised, the answers to my questions:
1)Have you ever taken up self-sacrifice? If so, why, for how long, what, etc. Uhh, read my previous post.
2)What music relaxes you, just carries you away to another place for a while? Deep Forest, Adiemus, and Enigma all do a great job of this. Also, butt rock. I know it's sad, but it works.
3)Would you rather be able to breathe underwater, or fly? Why? I'd much prefer to breathe underwater, as i've always been fascinated with the ocean.
4)Considering getting any body mods soon? What, Where, Why? Oh god yes. Tattoos: a little black spider on my skull, "strength" in cursive on my left inner wrist, a barcode on the back of my neck, Edward Burne-Jones' "the Days of Creation: the First Day" on my right inner calf, sheet music on my right inner calf, a japanese landscape/woodcut on my right upper arm, Alladin Sane over my left shoulder blade, smurfette on my left lower back, the infinity symbol on my right inner wrist, An egyptian scene on my right upper arm... Piercings: tongue again, lower lip, nipples, navel, bridge, about 5 more in each ear, i'm toying with the idea of a christina or hood piercing as well.
5)Pancakes or Waffles? Maple syrup, jam, or plain? Hashbrowns or toast? Eggs or tofu? Soysage or Fakin Bacon? Or are you one of those Lucky Charms people? Breakfast is a serious business, and how you answer says a lot to me. Plus, i've been craving diner breakfast lately. Waffles with apricot or blackberry preserves, hashbrowns, scrambled tofu, and fakin bacon. I used to love lucky charms as a child, and i'm still secretly in love with count chocula.
6)Noon or Midnight? Midnight, because i'm usually asleep at noon.
7)What defines "good music" to you? It needs to strike a chord with me. It could be that the lyrics resonate, or the music pulls at me. It could be that i'm floored by the technical skill to create the sound. It could be the raw emotion of the performance. It could even be a memory i associate it with.
8)What country would you most like to be the leader of? A nice small secluded island nation in the south pacific. Someplace my friends could come hang out, and the most serious decision was whether the national drink was the daiquiri or the margarita. I have no designs on world leadership.
9)You have $100 million and three months to live, what do you do? I owe a high school friend a concert as a thank you, so i'd deal with that, I'd buy the Whiteside theater downtown, because i have a friend who wants nothing more than to run it properly. I'd travel all over the world with a friend or two. I'd get a lawyer and an accountant to help me set up a scholarship trust with a large chunk of the remaining funds, and divide the rest between my family and a couple of worthy charities.
10)You are going to be reincarnated as the animal of your choice. Which one and why? Nobody ever suspects the butterfly... Seriously, a sea turtle, because they're awesome.
11)The Beatles or Elvis? The beatles all the way. They were formative to my development as a human being.
12)If you could be anywhere in the world at this exact instant, where would that be? Curled up next to either Rob or Nicole, snuggly and sleeping.
13)Bowling or Billiards? Well, i suck at both, but i think bowling is a little more fun, personally.
14)What do you see when you close your eyes? Grey fuzzy splotches. Then i start to envision my happy place of the day.
15)Did you smile at all today? Yup, quite a bit actually. I'm one of those irritatingly cheery people. Plus, i work as a customer service rep for a grocery store, so i have to.
16)Who's a more fascinating historical figure, Jack the Ripper or John F Kennedy? Well, i've always been fascinated by the Ripper, especially since i found out he's a fellow southpaw. But honestly, i think JFK had a far greater impact on the world as it is now.
17)Frank Zappa, cool and wierd, or just annoying? Cool as fuck, and definitely wierd. Thats why i love him.
18)What's your take on astrology? I find it interesting to notice the patterns i see, but i don't take it too seriously.
19)What's one thing about yourself i don't know?Hmm, what don't i know about myself, I'll need to think about that. What don't you know about me? Let's see, I'm secretly terrified of how others perceive me, but i refuse to pay any attention to that little voice in my head, so i go about my business as if no one was around.
20)Any questions for me? Not really.
Alright everyone. Have a good unspecified object.
So i made it through day one of sXe without feeling too shitty. I got kinda headachey for a while, and i really want a cigarette, but overall i'm doing pretty good i think. I'd really like a beer too, but it'll soon be here. The first step is the difficult one, it's all downhill from here, right? I'm going to stick this out. It's going to suck, but i planned it around major holidays and such, and its only a month. I'll come out stronger and smarter for it, i hope. I'll try to stay positive too, but i can feel the grumpy bug trying to bite me in the ass right now. Sorry if i bite anyone's head off for no reason.
And now, as promised, the answers to my questions:
1)Have you ever taken up self-sacrifice? If so, why, for how long, what, etc. Uhh, read my previous post.
2)What music relaxes you, just carries you away to another place for a while? Deep Forest, Adiemus, and Enigma all do a great job of this. Also, butt rock. I know it's sad, but it works.
3)Would you rather be able to breathe underwater, or fly? Why? I'd much prefer to breathe underwater, as i've always been fascinated with the ocean.
4)Considering getting any body mods soon? What, Where, Why? Oh god yes. Tattoos: a little black spider on my skull, "strength" in cursive on my left inner wrist, a barcode on the back of my neck, Edward Burne-Jones' "the Days of Creation: the First Day" on my right inner calf, sheet music on my right inner calf, a japanese landscape/woodcut on my right upper arm, Alladin Sane over my left shoulder blade, smurfette on my left lower back, the infinity symbol on my right inner wrist, An egyptian scene on my right upper arm... Piercings: tongue again, lower lip, nipples, navel, bridge, about 5 more in each ear, i'm toying with the idea of a christina or hood piercing as well.
5)Pancakes or Waffles? Maple syrup, jam, or plain? Hashbrowns or toast? Eggs or tofu? Soysage or Fakin Bacon? Or are you one of those Lucky Charms people? Breakfast is a serious business, and how you answer says a lot to me. Plus, i've been craving diner breakfast lately. Waffles with apricot or blackberry preserves, hashbrowns, scrambled tofu, and fakin bacon. I used to love lucky charms as a child, and i'm still secretly in love with count chocula.
6)Noon or Midnight? Midnight, because i'm usually asleep at noon.
7)What defines "good music" to you? It needs to strike a chord with me. It could be that the lyrics resonate, or the music pulls at me. It could be that i'm floored by the technical skill to create the sound. It could be the raw emotion of the performance. It could even be a memory i associate it with.
8)What country would you most like to be the leader of? A nice small secluded island nation in the south pacific. Someplace my friends could come hang out, and the most serious decision was whether the national drink was the daiquiri or the margarita. I have no designs on world leadership.
9)You have $100 million and three months to live, what do you do? I owe a high school friend a concert as a thank you, so i'd deal with that, I'd buy the Whiteside theater downtown, because i have a friend who wants nothing more than to run it properly. I'd travel all over the world with a friend or two. I'd get a lawyer and an accountant to help me set up a scholarship trust with a large chunk of the remaining funds, and divide the rest between my family and a couple of worthy charities.
10)You are going to be reincarnated as the animal of your choice. Which one and why? Nobody ever suspects the butterfly... Seriously, a sea turtle, because they're awesome.
11)The Beatles or Elvis? The beatles all the way. They were formative to my development as a human being.
12)If you could be anywhere in the world at this exact instant, where would that be? Curled up next to either Rob or Nicole, snuggly and sleeping.
13)Bowling or Billiards? Well, i suck at both, but i think bowling is a little more fun, personally.
14)What do you see when you close your eyes? Grey fuzzy splotches. Then i start to envision my happy place of the day.
15)Did you smile at all today? Yup, quite a bit actually. I'm one of those irritatingly cheery people. Plus, i work as a customer service rep for a grocery store, so i have to.
16)Who's a more fascinating historical figure, Jack the Ripper or John F Kennedy? Well, i've always been fascinated by the Ripper, especially since i found out he's a fellow southpaw. But honestly, i think JFK had a far greater impact on the world as it is now.
17)Frank Zappa, cool and wierd, or just annoying? Cool as fuck, and definitely wierd. Thats why i love him.
18)What's your take on astrology? I find it interesting to notice the patterns i see, but i don't take it too seriously.
19)What's one thing about yourself i don't know?Hmm, what don't i know about myself, I'll need to think about that. What don't you know about me? Let's see, I'm secretly terrified of how others perceive me, but i refuse to pay any attention to that little voice in my head, so i go about my business as if no one was around.
20)Any questions for me? Not really.
Alright everyone. Have a good unspecified object.

to the zappa. now that you're sXe, do you want to drink some of the beer i made? hehe, so eeeeeviiil.

it says anti-war