My sweet mother of god there are a lot of hot women on this site! I was looking through the random pic sampler, and I was floored by the breathtaking images I saw. A feast for the eyes that I could sup at for eternity and still not slake my hunger. Wow. Just wow.


I find myself in a quandary. I am really enjoying...
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just do whomever comes along. Have fun dudette!
Well, the pics seemed to have heralded a flock of strangers to my humble journal. Kinda strange. Anyhoo the people pictured, in order, were:

1. Adam Levine of Maroon 5
2. Brandon Flowers of the Killers
3. Ian Thorpe (Australian Swimmer, Olympic Gold Medalist)
4. Trent Reznor
5. Dave Grohl
6. Keanu Reeves
7. Henry Rollins
8. Jet Li
9. Tadanobu Asano (Japanese actor)
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Ooooh, spider! Will you even have a slightly open suit jacket, reveling many chestal type tattoos? wink Anyway, i am excited! biggrin

"I am not here!I died on the cross for your sins! And I've shat myself! Shat myself!"
Okay, you are officially coolness. You can be my friend now. Ahem.
Stay in school sucka! Eat your greens fool! Yeah, Mr. T rocked. But, and I know most people don't agree, but my favorite character on the A Team was the Faceman, oh yeah! He was so cool and could get whatever the team needed. And those fresh suits just made the man!
I just reread my entire journal to date. It was really amazing to see how much has happened in less than three months. Wow. You know what, life is pretty damned good. I have it alright. I get up each day and I do the best I can. Things are going to work out. I'm not perfect and I don't have to be. I'm just...
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I've been reading transmetropolitan lately, and it seems to be having an effect on my behavior and worldview. I feel bitter, sarcastic and jaded. Its kind of a nice change, actually. Caustic and nihilistic is way more fun than morose any day. It makes it a bit harder to suffer througth work though. Somehow perceiving 99% of the world to be bereft of mental capacity...
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From Slie's journal:

1. First grade teacher's name: I don't remember

2. Last person you kissed: Nate

3. Last words you said: "Have a good night" to my brudda

4. Last song you sang: "Such Great Heights" covered by Iron and Wine.

5. Last person you hugged: Slie

6. Last thing you laughed at: A man busted with a transvestite hooker on COPS

8. What's...
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I made my appointment for my tattoos today! I'm getting them next friday!!! easyroad is going to do them for me! I'm getting a spider on my head, and I'm having the mushroom retouched. I'm so farging excited. Yay!!!

So I saw Field Trip, Tourist, and Arcweld down at AJ's this evening, and it was pretty cool. I'd never been to AJ's, nor had i...
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Ha ha, i got through your journal just fine, but i don't believe in luck! wink

I love you. You are lovable. All i have to say is that in Corvallis the pickins are pretty slim. Even for normal people, and well, we're sort of weirdos, ya know? And i don't mean that offensively, just that I know you wouldn't be happy with any normal schmo or schmoette. Hence the whole loved back thing, i guess. Anyway, if it hadn't been for Greg i would be in the same boat. Although one thing i must say.....you do meet a lot more intelligent, interesting people going to college than going to bars and working at the Co-op. I miss that a little. There were a lot more people who were interested in me that i *could* have been interested in going to OSU, its just that i wasn't ready, and none of them were quite what i wanted until i met Greg. Its difficult.... So yeah, anyway, I love you, and i'm sorry your heart is hurting.

Iron and Wine is awesome, whether or not you are feeling super sad.

Ooooh tattoo.....i think i will be able to afford one in May sometime! I'm going to set up an appointment with easyroad too! I'm so exciteddddd!!!!!

Ugh....i gotta go, i have to work today......I am subbing for who knows who....i don't really want to but the only reason i said yes is i am getting four hours of overtime......thats like making a days worth of pay in four hours......oh yeah.

Ok bye darlin'. kiss see you soon.

Yay! I got new bras! I have needed some for a while now, and I finally found enough money that wasn't directed elsewhere to get some! My girls will be up where they should be again!

I'm going to go see Downfall this evening. Its a movie about the last twelve days of the third reich, and it looks really good. Now that we have...
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there was free transportation to the farm. you missed a lot of fun and free food. i don't really miss cheese anymore. if i live in sacramento again this summer, i'll probably find some dumpstering and get addicted again. i made breakfast for people yesterday and they said they could go vegan if they had food like that all the time. i love seitan.
I think i am going to Buy Beth Barnett's Rabbit Food Cookbook from the South Store Today. I want to try the "uncheese spread" recipie in there.
Fair warning, rambling and semi-mopey post ahead.

So it's been an interesting few days. The sleep shift has been really odd. I've been dreaming again, I've gotten up and gone walking around town, I'm out iin the sunshine, it's fantastic. I feel human again, with all those normal ups and downs.

I had one of the most vivid dreams in a long time this morning....
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Awww. I'm sorry hon. I hate that feeling of dissapointment though......having crushes can be so nice. But cute shopper boy, i think, is a little bit of a weirdo. You area great person and i love you no matter what you do. I would totally be up for movienights regardless, but especially if you need to be around someone or if you need help to keep yourself from being rash about things, just give me a call and let me know you don't want to be alone. Honestly, i have days when i want to be around people but then if it doesn't work out i just sleep...a lot. Not the healthiest most productive thing either.

I've been having a bad couple of days too. I don't know, i might type in my journal about it, or not. But i think i may have lost a friend, and that is something that hasn't happened to me in a while.

Hi Katy!
-Saturday morning lovins' from the Lester! kiss
Blerg!!! Apparantly my body has decided to reset its sleep schedule without any input from me. I crashed out at at 11:30 last night (the horror) and was unable to sleep anymore at 6:30 this morning (eww!), which means I am awake right now. Yuck! How do people do this on a regular basis? Its all early and sunny and not dark and crap. I...
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Ha ha, i love the last paragraph of your entry. Sad thing, is i have been cleaning a lot lately. Doing dishes and rounding up laundry all the time. It doesn't feel like "me" but if Kristana is indeed moving in.....well i need to keep things nice since she has stated she likes her place to be pretty clean. I still hate cleaning, but i seem to be doing it automatically a lot more often.

I would be willing to help set up a party, but i think our house needs a break right now, since we will be starting to move stuff soon in order to make way for Kristana. Maybe hit up Dylan and see if he would be down with a party or something. And of course after Kristana has moved in we could have a smaller party.....the room that she will be in of course will be less or not accessible, so.....

Lets all move out to the country in a great big house.
hooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaa info

my body gave up on sleep schedules a long time ago.
Ok, its been a wee while since i have updated. I just haven't had the urge to say anything. Not enough sleep and to much work will do that to you.

So, let's see, in the recent events, last night Dylan and Kristana came over and we watched Ju-on and discussed the "paranormal" for quite awhile afterwords. I must say, that movie was decidedly creepy,...
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I want to hang out with you and Kristana together sometime. Also, i need to make it bowling someday.

No worries about the craft circle......I'm not going either. No one is going to show up, anyway.

Can i come have breakfast with you? biggrin
fake ice cream is so much better than the real stuff. as for cheese, i make up for it with enormous amounts of olive oil.