Hello all ... after exstensive research I think I am going to go with either the Canon rebel Xt or Xti. Just waiting on the Goverment to give me just some of my damn money back some time in the next week or two... First day of classes was a breeze looking forward to this semester...found out I actually maybe getting paid for taking pictures... Read More
So here we are 2007 aye? Just saw Children of Men highly reccomend viewing it while in theaters...Had a good time in Nyc venturing for drugs sex and alcohol only successful with two no complaints none the less..Kind of bored lately so I went to the library and got some books to read up on before next semester starts. I got my Slr back very... Read More
So you're into photography?? Grad student at UMass huh? After my four years I was done and done... haha. I graduated from there last spring. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but I was ready to be done. I thought about photography school for a while, but then I kind of decide I like getting pictures taken a lot more then taking them
Just watched Dead man directed by Jim Jarmusch.movie was fucking sick!!!
" Do you have any tobacco?"
"That weapon will replace your tongue. You will learn to speak through it. And your poetry will now be written with blood. "
Been relaxin now that everyone has gone home for break.. was thinkin of taking a winter class wildlife aid & Cpr but figured take a... Read More
Thank you so much for you comment on my vidieo...and also thank you for having me in your top5!! with the 1200+ girls to choose from..that is a HUGE compliment