I thought maybe I'd explain why I never update and rarely comment on my friends' journals and sets and stuff. You see, my computer is very old. In fact, it wasn't even mine to begin with. It is an old iBook, one of the orignial ones I think, that came out in what, '99? It was imagoldfish's and when she bought a new shiny powerbook, I bought her old iBook (laptop). becuase quite honestly, we couldn't afford anything better and my desktop wasn't portable and my thesis required something portable. So the laptop. The clicker thing is broken, if you press down on it you have to keep hitting it for about five minutes to unstick it. Some web pages don't run on it because internet explorer is so old and my system can't handle fireforx or anything similar. Only recently did Gmail start working on it. So, I rarely use it, I try not to if only not to depress me even more these days. I must rely on my boyfriend to provide the wonderful internet to me, but he's always online himself.
I thought this may explain to my wonderful friends and other people who tend to read this, why I'm never online, updating, or commenting. It's not cause I don't love you all, cause I do, I just can't bring myself to use my dinosaur of a computer, which takes 5 minutes to load a page it seems. So if anyone wants to buy me a new computer - eh, if I'm asking, A powerbook (& an iPod!) - I promise I'll be online every day and updating and commenting to your heart's content. I promise. Until then though, please remember that I would be if I could be. Cheers.
I thought this may explain to my wonderful friends and other people who tend to read this, why I'm never online, updating, or commenting. It's not cause I don't love you all, cause I do, I just can't bring myself to use my dinosaur of a computer, which takes 5 minutes to load a page it seems. So if anyone wants to buy me a new computer - eh, if I'm asking, A powerbook (& an iPod!) - I promise I'll be online every day and updating and commenting to your heart's content. I promise. Until then though, please remember that I would be if I could be. Cheers.
and yeah, it came out in '99. I think it's technically a 2nd generation, but still super old school.
i miss you lady!