Alone for the weekend... so sad. Dunx left this morning for Vanderbilt (sp?) to see the brother, and I'm home alone with a beagle to keep me company. On the other hand, I can now get on the internet, which is really nice.
Started a new job - non-retail which I love. Yesterday, I spent $800 furnishing a loft in the pearl while driving a Lexus SUV - none of them are mine but it's fun... It's nice to be busy again though. Feel as though I may actually be contributing SOMETHING to society. Like cold hard cash that isn't mine. But whatever.
Life is weird, still trying to figure out what is important to me and what I can live with or without. Self-reflection can be good but it can also be a fucking downer. I am so completely happy sometimes until I"m crushed with something out of left field that just kills me. At least I have a boyfriend whom I love - and he loves me back. It's the nicest thing in the world.
Started a new job - non-retail which I love. Yesterday, I spent $800 furnishing a loft in the pearl while driving a Lexus SUV - none of them are mine but it's fun... It's nice to be busy again though. Feel as though I may actually be contributing SOMETHING to society. Like cold hard cash that isn't mine. But whatever.
Life is weird, still trying to figure out what is important to me and what I can live with or without. Self-reflection can be good but it can also be a fucking downer. I am so completely happy sometimes until I"m crushed with something out of left field that just kills me. At least I have a boyfriend whom I love - and he loves me back. It's the nicest thing in the world.
Could you and Al please stop cutting yourselves? People are going to start catching on that dunx beats his women, and then he'll have to go back to Texas.
Texas? AGH stay away from there. i wouldnt wish Texas on anyone.