I love rainy days in the middle of the summer. I love waking up with my boyfriend at home. I love days off.
There is just something so peaceful about rain in the summer, but I miss thunderstorms so much. We used to have a screened-in porch where I grew up and my dad and I used to go sit out there and watch storms go by. It was wonderful. I miss both the storms and my dad.
Not used to feeling content. But it's a nice change. Now all I need is a better job!
There is just something so peaceful about rain in the summer, but I miss thunderstorms so much. We used to have a screened-in porch where I grew up and my dad and I used to go sit out there and watch storms go by. It was wonderful. I miss both the storms and my dad.
Not used to feeling content. But it's a nice change. Now all I need is a better job!
I miss raging east coast storms too; and fireflies, even more than the storms. But i guess at this point I am basically a full-blooded californian, I think I'm ok with that..
Oh, i will be totally broke till Thursday, but maybe thursday night or friday or saturday (my birthday!) we can go dancing?
I can't wait -- what an adventure! obviously I'm easily amused.