Updates Updates, lets see here. None really. My husband and I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary. Together for 6 married for 2 its crazy! Time flies. We went out last weekend it was fun. But unfortunately we had to spend our anniversary night in the ER. Our son got fever of 103. This was the first time he's had to be admitted since being diagnosed with Leukemia, so we were all scared shitless. It turns out to be a virus, and now his little nose is running like a water faucet
But he's a trooper, 5 hours of sleep the night before, and he still had time to play his transformer game. I love him.
Was going to put pics but my computer is being GAY
Just a couple months until Allkaline Trio So So excited!!!!

Was going to put pics but my computer is being GAY
Just a couple months until Allkaline Trio So So excited!!!!
Enjoy the show