Hello Hello! I guess I haven't written a blog in a long time. So this is what you have been missing
*I went back on birth control after almost 6 months. I got sick of the cramps and pms.
*My mom and I hosted a pirate themed baby shower. It was super cute. It included bottles of rum, a pirate ship cake, and a peg leg race.
*My son got to make his wish from the make-a-wish foundation. We'll most likey be going to disneyworld or a disney cruise within the next year and half when he's officially in remission
*We're getting ready to sell our condo, so I've been cleaning everyday
*I've been walking and exercising on a regular basis
*and to fit with the above activity, I purchased this today. It was finally on sale
There may be more, but I'll save it for the next update
*I went back on birth control after almost 6 months. I got sick of the cramps and pms.
*My mom and I hosted a pirate themed baby shower. It was super cute. It included bottles of rum, a pirate ship cake, and a peg leg race.

*My son got to make his wish from the make-a-wish foundation. We'll most likey be going to disneyworld or a disney cruise within the next year and half when he's officially in remission

*We're getting ready to sell our condo, so I've been cleaning everyday

*I've been walking and exercising on a regular basis
*and to fit with the above activity, I purchased this today. It was finally on sale

There may be more, but I'll save it for the next update

Where are you moving to?
Oh yeah ... I missed you