I like to come on here when I'm drinking
I think I hang around more for the cute guys. I lurk guys pages more than the girls
My st. Patricks day SUCKED which really SUCKS because it's one of my favorite holidays
I had a mental break down haha. Oh well. We're not all perfect. I know I should go to the doctor and get on some anti-anxiety meds, but I don't want to. I can barely take an advil without getting the shakes. Anywho, I hope you all are doing good. My account runs out in July, and I probably wont renew it. I'll miss several of you! Including....Tunnel_Vision For all that you have been through, you're an inspiration!!! skeeve you're such a sweeetie! I wish I knew you for real!!! Move to Colorado! Frankus You always respond to my blogs, you're such a sweetie WehrleBoy I like looking at you haha, I kid! You seem like a sweet genuine guy! and theres tooooo many SGs that I love. Nakissa (who I"m still waiting to hang out wtih!!!!), Sunshine, Bully, oh so many!!!!!!
Well this blog has turned into an emotional mess haha. You would think you were all my best friends! Now I don't want to leave haha.
geeez I've only had two beers