yo yo yippie yo! its a beautiful day outside and me thinks im gona get crazy tanned today! the season of pale emo-kid-ness has passed bring on the wealthy tanned shabby haired rock monster!! me!! was happy /shocked/confused and even a little freaked out about the cereal antics debate....but in the end pleased...i hold cereal so close to my heart....im just shocked no one made a terrible gag??!!
tim: why are u stabbing a box of weetabix?? (cereal killer) AHEM!!
so 3 more dates on the tour...liverpool 9th-oxford 10th-london 11th...please come along to london if ya can cos it'l kick everyones skinny white ass!
next weeks top three debate:- crisps!!
bye timxxx
Hope the last few gigs went good
i'm a simple girl, quite partial to a salt and vinegar walkers though spicy nik naks kick ass! ooh and number 3, chilli Mccoys. mmmmmmm.
currently rocking my world... atkins friendly Bombay Mix.. oh yeah. (small and strange pleasures!)