hey hey hey!!!! so....im back again...i dont like being on tour...feel so distant from u guys and dolls and all i wana do is PARTY with you poeple!! he he....so anyone been to any of the gig's?? CAKEMIX!!!! ha! we were on early for the jet plane landing gig at the v.unrock time of 8:30 and for main support that rocks yet sucks quite heavily...but hey ho...free beer! uh oh ATKINS!! = DEATH!! but it was a blinding gig and u lot have to promise me you'll come along to some?? be nice to meet some of ya f a c e 2 f a c e...c h e e k 2 c h e e k! "its where i wana be" name that song?? here's a clue... and ..i.e. it makes me wana.... i love u all! timxxx oh yer p.s. COME TO BRIGHTON!!
i was gonna ask you for an interview and then i can plug you etc but i'd probably get nervous and fuck up with people who've seen me naked. heh
i'll just take some photos and plug you that way.