go sabres.
Hey, Dyme is my good buddy! Did you know her personally? Or just through the site?
We are going camping in 3 week-ends @ Pelee Island!
Dyme is actually just a friend through here. I'm not on here that often, but she was pretty amazing looking so I had to send a request her way. Unfortunate that she's not on here any more. but your pretty stunning yourself.

and definitely go habs. they are my second team.
Im watching Twister for the like 3rd time in a week. Why can't I not watch this?
Hello my fellow Sabres fan smile
sabres on a warpath.
some new additions. I played hockey today for the first time on ice, refs..the whole nine. Yeah i layed down infront of a puck. took it in the spine. very neato. great battle wound. tired...horny...blah blah.
Why can't my fucking sabres just take care of business. I mean for christ sake. I need a lift here. I still believe.
Where is the best place to get some interesting ideas for a new tat? never had one. want to do it amazing, and something that will stay with me.
I would spend a day walking around a tattoo convention. Check out the portfolios, get a feel for how the artists express their style. And figure out where you want to go with a tattoo. Take some time, search your area for a tattoer that will best suit what you like and plan it out with him or her from there.
here's me wishing i could find a cool girl to talk to. someone beyond the radar of most men. the girl that no one knows about but she's the most amazing ever once you do.
Children of Men is amazing. They do some scenes that last minutes with no cuts. Simply Stunning. Clive Owen is superb.

Check it.
some of the shots in that movie seriously blew my mind. easily, one of the best movies i've seen in years.
Just saw Be your own Pet at the Mohawk Place in dt buffalo. They fucking rocked, she fucking rocked. Enjoyed it throughly.
Awesome. Wish I would have went. miao!!
It is sunday. It is dreary. Makes me lazy. I feel that it just flies by without my body taking in the time to rest.
Let me tell you a little story? I once knew a guy who could have been a great golfer, could have gone pro, all he needed was a little time and practice. Decided to go to college instead. Went for four years, did pretty well. At the end of his four years, his last semester he was kicked out... You know what for? He was...
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