Apparently i'm going to model for a friend's friend probably in lingerie or swimsuit so that means i have to make some exercise hahahaha
No radio show for 2 weeks. which is good so we can plan like 3 shows or more.
Vacations SOON. yay!
I just met gogol bordello's music and it rocks.
i want a camera
And now i'm going to sleep
Sweet dreams everybody

No radio show for 2 weeks. which is good so we can plan like 3 shows or more.
Vacations SOON. yay!
I just met gogol bordello's music and it rocks.
i want a camera
And now i'm going to sleep
Sweet dreams everybody

Un besote y si sales en la pasarela sube fotos!!!
si la parodia que subi alb log esta buenisima hahaha xD!!