DAMNIT! Work is a pain in the ass sometimes. My boss keeps changing my schedule and switching up my show. So, NOW, I'm doing a morning show? What the hell? I mean, I can't really complain if they're putting me on air, but DAMNIT I liked playing local music. The bitch work is getting a tad old as well. Sticker stops, PUH! The shows I don't mind hosting at all. However, standing in a parking lot/in front of a building for 1-2 hours trying to get people to let me put a sticker on their car isn't the most fun thing in the world.
"Hey! Let me put this sticker on your car and you could win yet another........CAR! FANTASTIC! Or tickets to Dog Jam? Wanna see some crappy alternative bands play!?!!"
I guess that's all part of being the "rookie" as they like to so lovingly refer to me as. ROOKIE! DO MY BITCH WORK! Gah.
I hope to god it can only go up from here.
"Hey! Let me put this sticker on your car and you could win yet another........CAR! FANTASTIC! Or tickets to Dog Jam? Wanna see some crappy alternative bands play!?!!"
I guess that's all part of being the "rookie" as they like to so lovingly refer to me as. ROOKIE! DO MY BITCH WORK! Gah.

I'd love to have your job, it does sound like fun. Better than being stuck in a warehouse surrounded by nothing but concrete, steel cardboard and pallets. I hope it gets better for you though.
im sure it will only go up from here, this time next year you will busting somone elses balls to fetch your coffee and stuff