The show was fucking amazing. Even the Dresdon Dolls were alright, besides her and her manly, hairy armpits. Ew? I couldn't help but stare up her skirt though. Oops. The drummer was pure entertainment. They did a cover of Black Sabbath - War Pigs, which surprisingly, was pretty fucking good. Only thing that was kinda bad was the girl that I brought with me had a seizure. No worries though. I've been through it quite a few times with her now, so I know what to do. It was so hot in there, lots of strobes and bright ass lights in our face, and we were both really, really excited. I'm thinking that may have been what triggered it. The EMS wouldn't really let her leave the First Aid room once she was in there though. Which, I mean, she didn't need to. They let her watch the show from the sidelines. She wouldn't let me stay with her, so I disappeared into the madness. Then, oooh but then, Mr. Reznor. In all his sweaty, manly glory. !!!@$$#%&* Yeah, you guessed it. I about had an orgasm right then and there. Opening with Terrible Lie, and closing with Head Like A Hole?! Wow. Good fucking show. I came home and had to touch myself. Yes indeed I did.
Oh, and FUCK Hard Rock Cafe. I bought two drinks for myself, Crystal a drink, and my sister and her boyfriend a beer. THIRTY FIVE FUCKIN DOLLARS! WHAT!!! Fuck that place, and there pansy mixed drinks. Pfft..your tip better be included in that shit.
BUT! It was pretty funny laughing at all the old people in their NIN shirts and chains and shit. Grey headed old ladies and men rockin' the fuck out. Awesome. I have a feeling that's gonna be me one day. lol..
Anyways, to sum it all up. Nine Inch Nails is so much better than you.
And I can die a happy, satisfied person.
Oh, and FUCK Hard Rock Cafe. I bought two drinks for myself, Crystal a drink, and my sister and her boyfriend a beer. THIRTY FIVE FUCKIN DOLLARS! WHAT!!! Fuck that place, and there pansy mixed drinks. Pfft..your tip better be included in that shit.

BUT! It was pretty funny laughing at all the old people in their NIN shirts and chains and shit. Grey headed old ladies and men rockin' the fuck out. Awesome. I have a feeling that's gonna be me one day. lol..

Anyways, to sum it all up. Nine Inch Nails is so much better than you.
And I can die a happy, satisfied person.

you lucky got to touch yourself.