Who knew the best sex EVER would come from one of my best friends since 6th grade. It was a lil' weird though; I had no clue he even thought about me in a sexual manner. I know I've never looked at him in that sort of way. Not that I'm complaining...at all. Just sharing with the class. Sex like that doesn't happen too often. Heh.
Know what's really hot? Having a wifebeater ripped off of you. Doesn't sound too hot, but oh my god I almost orgasmed right then and there. YEAHHH! RIP IT OFF!! AHaha ok I'm done.
Know what's really hot? Having a wifebeater ripped off of you. Doesn't sound too hot, but oh my god I almost orgasmed right then and there. YEAHHH! RIP IT OFF!! AHaha ok I'm done.

Know what's hot? Ripping a boner out of ballet tights. Oh wait, i havent done that. It was just in a weird japanese porn. MY BAD!