The Bravery on Monday. I'm so flippin' ready. I'm gonna dance my ass off. GOSH!
I went on the best "date" ever yesterday evening. Not even really a date. I'm way too cool for school for dates. We met at Taco Bell. Yep...Taco Bell. Coolest guy ever. Now I know what the DJ for our local rock station looks like in person?? *shrug* I never knew such good conversation could happen over a burrito and Mountain Dew at the world's most ghetto Taco Bell EVER. It was fun. I think I'll do it again, soon.
I went on the best "date" ever yesterday evening. Not even really a date. I'm way too cool for school for dates. We met at Taco Bell. Yep...Taco Bell. Coolest guy ever. Now I know what the DJ for our local rock station looks like in person?? *shrug* I never knew such good conversation could happen over a burrito and Mountain Dew at the world's most ghetto Taco Bell EVER. It was fun. I think I'll do it again, soon.

hell ya I am A Big Dog loyal listner , hell we dont have but about 4 or 5 stations out here anyways that i can pick up. still waiting on them landshak

the landshark is for me and krystal only.