I get the best mail:
"what is it with grilled cheese?
it's always there, in the backround waiting.....
you loved it when you were a kid, you love it now.....sometimes it's ok, but it's always at least ok.
when you're really poor you eat it cuz you got nothin else but ramon noodles and soy sauce packets.....but when you get money in life and have a full fridge with all sorts of crap, it'll still sound like a good idea.
my girlfriend made me 2 of the greatest samwiches last night....turkey, lettuce, mayo, tomatoe, on potato bread...they were awesome.....
you know what she made herself?
1 grilled cheese.
and i wanted it.
it annoyed me....
my turkey was great, and woud have been fine, if it wasn't for the grilled cheese.
she even gave me a bite....it was great....i didn't want my turkey as much after that.
i wanted grilled cheese.
how is that?
how does that work?
think about it.....
american cheese isnt that great.
provolone kicks its ass...(real italian provolone kiddies, not the crap you eat), chedder most certainly kicks its ass.....even crappy chedders are still awesome for eating plain compaired to american. mozorella...no contest....even muenster is awesome next to crappy american.
but which one do you use for your grilled cheese?
that's what i thought.
weird isn't it?
i have black friends that have never eaten another kind of cheese before....
i tried to feed one of em chedder one time and he looked at me like i was crazy, then after he tried a tiny peice acted like he was gonna puke and was a real moron about it.
...but he goes rabid over his crappy ass orange square of jello cheese when he gets that.
i don't get it.....
i know people that eat this shit with everything.....and i mean everything.
it's like a curse....
...you couldn't do it either could you?
neither could i.
and here i am....fridge full of food, just woke up, still in my underoos, waiting for my grilled cheese to finish cooking.
i bet they put something in the cheese....like how they used to put cocaine in coca cola, i bet it's something like that.....if it is coke, then i should save up as many singles as i can and make a run up to new york and sell em to all my cokehead friends for cheap....
if i told them that they had coke in em, i bet they'd move quick.
i'd have about 20 friends gaining weight instead.
the government is gonna have to open up a shitty cheese clinic one of these years to help ween people off it.
and i'm one of em.
i think a definition of "addiction" is using or taking part in an act that brings you no joy, but is however familiar due to habit or dependency, and cannot be controlled by the user.
that pretty much sums it up for me and my shitty grilled cheese.
i feel like i'm cookin up heroine in there now.
i'm cloaked in shame.
i hate this cheese....
but i'll eat it anyway.
i always do.
i always will.
help me."
hahaha..i dunno what his obsession is, but it's amusing.
"what is it with grilled cheese?
it's always there, in the backround waiting.....
you loved it when you were a kid, you love it now.....sometimes it's ok, but it's always at least ok.
when you're really poor you eat it cuz you got nothin else but ramon noodles and soy sauce packets.....but when you get money in life and have a full fridge with all sorts of crap, it'll still sound like a good idea.
my girlfriend made me 2 of the greatest samwiches last night....turkey, lettuce, mayo, tomatoe, on potato bread...they were awesome.....
you know what she made herself?
1 grilled cheese.
and i wanted it.
it annoyed me....
my turkey was great, and woud have been fine, if it wasn't for the grilled cheese.
she even gave me a bite....it was great....i didn't want my turkey as much after that.
i wanted grilled cheese.
how is that?
how does that work?
think about it.....
american cheese isnt that great.
provolone kicks its ass...(real italian provolone kiddies, not the crap you eat), chedder most certainly kicks its ass.....even crappy chedders are still awesome for eating plain compaired to american. mozorella...no contest....even muenster is awesome next to crappy american.
but which one do you use for your grilled cheese?
that's what i thought.
weird isn't it?
i have black friends that have never eaten another kind of cheese before....
i tried to feed one of em chedder one time and he looked at me like i was crazy, then after he tried a tiny peice acted like he was gonna puke and was a real moron about it.
...but he goes rabid over his crappy ass orange square of jello cheese when he gets that.
i don't get it.....
i know people that eat this shit with everything.....and i mean everything.
it's like a curse....
...you couldn't do it either could you?
neither could i.
and here i am....fridge full of food, just woke up, still in my underoos, waiting for my grilled cheese to finish cooking.
i bet they put something in the cheese....like how they used to put cocaine in coca cola, i bet it's something like that.....if it is coke, then i should save up as many singles as i can and make a run up to new york and sell em to all my cokehead friends for cheap....
if i told them that they had coke in em, i bet they'd move quick.
i'd have about 20 friends gaining weight instead.
the government is gonna have to open up a shitty cheese clinic one of these years to help ween people off it.
and i'm one of em.
i think a definition of "addiction" is using or taking part in an act that brings you no joy, but is however familiar due to habit or dependency, and cannot be controlled by the user.
that pretty much sums it up for me and my shitty grilled cheese.
i feel like i'm cookin up heroine in there now.
i'm cloaked in shame.
i hate this cheese....
but i'll eat it anyway.
i always do.
i always will.
help me."
hahaha..i dunno what his obsession is, but it's amusing.

Love the new picks sweaty!

looking good , like the pics