Hello Everyone!
I started this SG journey back in March as I auditioned for Blackheart Burlesque. I was just looking to get back into the dance world especially with a company I whole heartedly identify with. Upon acceptance Missy (I was shocked that she was actually there) asked me to pose! I was ecstatic and in a few days I was at the Suicide Girls House shooting my first set with Aeterna Suicide. Wow what a week. The next week I shot with a friend of mine in the desert while Coachella was going on, hence the title "Nochella" (my friends and I had our own party and music lol). I was so eager to get published on this site. In the four months in the queue I have performed with the Blackheart Burlesque met tons of SGs in the process and this community of girls kicks assss. Beautiful, smart, like minded, and business savvy girls. So empowering. Now my set "Nochella" is in member review and the love and comments have been pouring in and I have to say THANK YOUUU!! Thank you for validating my decision to join a community that I should've been part of years ago. Here's to hopefully going pink :)