Guess the profile only gives you so much, and the fact that I have hardly any of my own material on the site is another factor.
Just wanted to come out and start blabbering on and on every now and again, starting with today.
Let's see, for starters I just celebrated my birthday on Tuesday, I am now 24 years old. The day itself was slightly uneventful, though my new house church group did find out and take me out for some frozen yogurt afterwards, which was a pleasant surprise. We did most of the celebrating last weekend on Saturday, had about 20 people maybe, come over to my place for good eats and just to chill with each other for once. Life itself seems to drag you along if you let it, and you lose track of what's actually going on around you; what fun is life if you can't even remember the pictures you are taking.
Anyways, it was a good time, people came and went until 4ish when the core group was finally tuckering out, and either finding rides or picking places to crash. Somehow I managed to smoke my way through the whole thing, entertaining my guests as I did so. It was definitely a good night. There was a small crowd in my home, but every single one of the people there, I cared for deeply. Nothing better I could have asked for my birthday.
Hmmm...what else could I throw out there? Well, I'm a writer. So if I get the courage, from time to time I might lay out some of my work for yal to check out, criticism is always good for progression.
Hope I manage to stay on track with this, if anyone wants to chat anytime then hit me up, I love talking to and meeting new people.