I'm so, so, so sick of living at home, to the point where I really wish that I wasn't going to school next year so I could work and possibly support myself and I just can't even think about how I won't be able to move out for at least the next three years while I'm in school.
So apparently they found that little girl Shasta. Her older brothers Slade and Dylan and her mom and her mom's boyfriend are all dead though.
I finished calling EVERY vet listed in my phonebook to ask their spay/neuter prices. Guess what the most expensive spay quote was...
"Well, depending on what options you use it can go up to $450."
$450?!?! Who the fuck pays that much for a spay? I don't care if you get bloodwork, IV fluids, pain meds, and antibiotics - it shouldn't be $450.
My navel piercing bleeds whenever I have sex.
I'm sorry, Navel Piercing.

So apparently they found that little girl Shasta. Her older brothers Slade and Dylan and her mom and her mom's boyfriend are all dead though.
I finished calling EVERY vet listed in my phonebook to ask their spay/neuter prices. Guess what the most expensive spay quote was...
"Well, depending on what options you use it can go up to $450."
$450?!?! Who the fuck pays that much for a spay? I don't care if you get bloodwork, IV fluids, pain meds, and antibiotics - it shouldn't be $450.
My navel piercing bleeds whenever I have sex.
I'm sorry, Navel Piercing.
Another one:
I know the City one at least has insurance, and if you work 100% time, they pay for it all.
[Edited on Jul 30, 2005 11:58AM]
I know that you should get two and i've looked at their dietary stuff and that they are not legal in madison.
So, what all do you know about them?