Yeah,yeah,i'm so happy and impatient in those days,because Monday i'll start my new tattoo at TATTOO 104 in marseille.
This is a new-school,custom stuff on my back.
You'll see it soon.....
Check the Xfm site hereyou'll find a lot of bands in live.
See you
This is a new-school,custom stuff on my back.
You'll see it soon.....
Check the Xfm site hereyou'll find a lot of bands in live.
See you

merci pour ton post. la sg party sur paris est un projet de Deacon et moi-mme. l'ide est venue comme a et a semble avoir pas mal de succs, donc on essaye d'y bosser
c vrai kil n'ya pas beaucoup de franais ici : ya aussi GoOz, mathilde74, Eloine. mais les contacts sont plutt US, canadiens voire anglais.
good luck on your tattoo!