Uf.. I am ready for drink...Local bar!!! Perfect.Two more weeks and packing...Trip to Mexico. Firs stop TJ!!! Hell yeaaa....II love local strip bars.So diferent , like in Europe. Hardcore
Mexican girls are cool. And drinks ??? Mnam!!! I dont drink Teguila but in Mexico you have to. Eat,drink and F**k... Simple! You have more freedom and i miss Europe.Mexico remaindme... There is a diferent World. Not like in L.A. Try it ...
Today i am ready to visit mine budy in Oceanside. Means ready get fuck up!!!! Cut dead tree in his garden. Yeaa.. I heard shit like this before!!! Two days party in local stripbars...Soo what next?? His angry wife!!! Hihihi... and free stile figt? Suprise for me...