An Ode To Nelly
I never listened to your music
I actually can't even really think of a song you've done
I don't even think
I know why you wear that
Retarded Bandaid on your face... I mean, if you still do.
But I do know that your line of Jeans
Apple Bottoms to be exact
Are some of the greatest ever
To fit
My big fat ass
Nelly, even though some of your cloths
Are way too ghetto fab for me
Some of your Jeans are pretty fucking good.
And for that
I think you're mad cool.

Yo B, where can I get myself a do rag like that? I mean... not really though....
I never listened to your music
I actually can't even really think of a song you've done
I don't even think
I know why you wear that
Retarded Bandaid on your face... I mean, if you still do.
But I do know that your line of Jeans
Apple Bottoms to be exact
Are some of the greatest ever
To fit
My big fat ass
Nelly, even though some of your cloths
Are way too ghetto fab for me
Some of your Jeans are pretty fucking good.
And for that
I think you're mad cool.
Yo B, where can I get myself a do rag like that? I mean... not really though....
The singer totally reminds me of you! (I think she's compliment)