Are You as Confused as I am?
So, like, I have no fucking clue how to even look at other people's blogs. This really pisses me off. This new set up is kind of retarded and it doesn't even know.
I've been watching pretty much nothing but soccer. I think it's enjoyable. I kind of want to move to another country also. I kind of wanted France to win before, but, the Swiss are just such great eye candy. However, this guy:
(Dhorasoo Vikash, the first player of Indian decent) Is just adoreable to me.
I'm pissed, I have to miss the match with Brazil to go to some stupid work thing that I don't really give a fuck about. Jerks.
SG is really annoying the shit out of me with all this confusing new shit. really. Very frustrating. And don't give me anything where I have to read how to use it (even though I appreciate it if you just wanted to help me). I shouldn't have to read shit to have to learn how to use my damn blog. Am I Right????
So, like, I have no fucking clue how to even look at other people's blogs. This really pisses me off. This new set up is kind of retarded and it doesn't even know.
I've been watching pretty much nothing but soccer. I think it's enjoyable. I kind of want to move to another country also. I kind of wanted France to win before, but, the Swiss are just such great eye candy. However, this guy:

(Dhorasoo Vikash, the first player of Indian decent) Is just adoreable to me.
I'm pissed, I have to miss the match with Brazil to go to some stupid work thing that I don't really give a fuck about. Jerks.

SG is really annoying the shit out of me with all this confusing new shit. really. Very frustrating. And don't give me anything where I have to read how to use it (even though I appreciate it if you just wanted to help me). I shouldn't have to read shit to have to learn how to use my damn blog. Am I Right????

i with you dude.

I hate anything new. But I suppose I'll get used to it.