why is it, that when all I am trying to do is be honest, that everyone has to take it the wrong way? if you have feelings for me, then express them. if you don't then how the hell am i supposed to know? im not a mind reader.
new hairs: its wet, so its going to be quite a bit lighter once it dries, but you get the just of it:
new hairs: its wet, so its going to be quite a bit lighter once it dries, but you get the just of it:
and i feel you. why dudes think it's okay to hit on me at the gas station, autozone, grocery, church parking lots, baskin robbins... it's beyond me. i don't WANT another guy! not after the debacle with this last one, lord have mercy. girls are almost worse though, like, public restrooms = hotspots? i need to pee, leave me alone! and one of my mom's receptionists hit on me yesterday. IN FRONT OF MY MOM. what the fucking dickshit is this fucking nonsense?!
let's have drinks tomorrow night. we need to hate the world together and shit. >_<