- Got financed for a gorgeous home! We're moving in in about a month (they are putting in brand new carpet, etc, getting things ready!), SOOO EXCITED! A home of our very own!!!!
- Biopsy came back. The cells that were causing the abnormal paps were Precancerous, meaning they could turn into to cancer, but they also could just do nothing. The doctor said we are going to do a treatment called Cryotherapy, to try to destry the precancer cells before they turn to cancer. He said I shouldn't have much pain during or afterwards, just a period like cramping. So, crossing my fingers this nips the problem in the bud!
- I am pushing alot of people out of my life, and letting some new people in. It feels like for once, my eyes are truly open to who really cares about me and who doesn't, and things make alot more sense. I have cut some ties as of late, and made it very clear to those people that I no longer wish to speak with them. Even went as far to put a few on block to avoid retaliation. I'm just so finished with drama and bullshit. I want to live my life and be happy, not be weighed down by people that only have THEIR best interest in mind!
- And last but not least, I've been a bit distant from everyone lately. All the stress of possbily having cancer and work and school coming up and finding a new home has been really weighing on my spirit. But, everything is starting to fall into order now, and things are becoming clear. I may not have been in touch with some of the best people in my life lately, but I hope they know I still love them. <3 Best friends!
- Got financed for a gorgeous home! We're moving in in about a month (they are putting in brand new carpet, etc, getting things ready!), SOOO EXCITED! A home of our very own!!!!

- Biopsy came back. The cells that were causing the abnormal paps were Precancerous, meaning they could turn into to cancer, but they also could just do nothing. The doctor said we are going to do a treatment called Cryotherapy, to try to destry the precancer cells before they turn to cancer. He said I shouldn't have much pain during or afterwards, just a period like cramping. So, crossing my fingers this nips the problem in the bud!
- I am pushing alot of people out of my life, and letting some new people in. It feels like for once, my eyes are truly open to who really cares about me and who doesn't, and things make alot more sense. I have cut some ties as of late, and made it very clear to those people that I no longer wish to speak with them. Even went as far to put a few on block to avoid retaliation. I'm just so finished with drama and bullshit. I want to live my life and be happy, not be weighed down by people that only have THEIR best interest in mind!
- And last but not least, I've been a bit distant from everyone lately. All the stress of possbily having cancer and work and school coming up and finding a new home has been really weighing on my spirit. But, everything is starting to fall into order now, and things are becoming clear. I may not have been in touch with some of the best people in my life lately, but I hope they know I still love them. <3 Best friends!