Goddamn, I don't blog enough. haha, not really much to update. Just going through the same old grind. Getting financed for a house within a couple of weeks, but thats about it for now folks
yay no more j roc! and i'm really tempted to make a stupid reflexes joke [after his dick!] but i'll refrain. ^.^
oh! i'm moving into an apartment sometime this week! hopefully here in the next two days but things are STILL up in the air, booooo. i'll be really close to campus and really close to you! ultra hooray! and since it might take a while before i have internet and cable [it's a sudden move so daddy's paying for everything on credit cards, that i have to have immediately] then i might invite you and the kids over for sleepovers where we rent spongebob movies and eat stir fried veggies and rice, for a couple of nights. hopefully greg won't be working like a maniac but i'm sure he will since rent's due in like two weeks and chicago's just the week after that. hurm.
and because i did it last year, i plan on renewing your sg subscription again this year. i think that's what i'm going to do for your birthday every year haha. i'm buying subscriptions up at chicago [august 6-9] so it'll be a tad bit late and there'll be like a week where your subscription lapses and you won't be able to log on but better late than never. i was planning on getting it at sdcc again but plans fell through and we're not going. :[[
oh! i'm moving into an apartment sometime this week! hopefully here in the next two days but things are STILL up in the air, booooo. i'll be really close to campus and really close to you! ultra hooray! and since it might take a while before i have internet and cable [it's a sudden move so daddy's paying for everything on credit cards, that i have to have immediately] then i might invite you and the kids over for sleepovers where we rent spongebob movies and eat stir fried veggies and rice, for a couple of nights. hopefully greg won't be working like a maniac but i'm sure he will since rent's due in like two weeks and chicago's just the week after that. hurm.
and because i did it last year, i plan on renewing your sg subscription again this year. i think that's what i'm going to do for your birthday every year haha. i'm buying subscriptions up at chicago [august 6-9] so it'll be a tad bit late and there'll be like a week where your subscription lapses and you won't be able to log on but better late than never. i was planning on getting it at sdcc again but plans fell through and we're not going. :[[
gahh i miss you!