I finally found some shampoo + conditioner that doesn't make my hair look like i just touched a light bulb after I've washed it + dried it. Are you ready? Are you ready? Don't laugh!
Yea, yea, I know right? Baby shampoo! But here's the thing: I ran out of shampoo, and decided to use the kids' shampoo, seeing as everything makes my hair frizz anyway. To my shock and delight, my bangs did not fuzz out and do some crazy wavy shit as usual, they dried pretty and straight and gorgeous! and my hair is naturally somewhat curly ... it dried in loose tube like curls! and shiny too! Now, I was expecting to pull my hair out brushing it out .... nope! My hair is naturally a bit on the thick side (and no lie, it's time to get it thinned out for sure. it needs to be layered anyway) and it DID feel somewhat thicker than usual, but not dry or fickle. Almost still somewhat wet (this was after sleeping allll night!). But it brushed right through, brushed out straight, and STAY THAT WAY! So yea. My new hair crack is baby shampoo. This specific kind, because I'm not too sure about the other's, lol!
And while I'm on the subject of things that make me feel alot better about life, anyone whos having an acne issue should try this stuff!
No, its not acne medication, its a masque that you let dry and peel off. It leaves your face feeling tingly and fresh, and my acne has cleared up a considerable LOT! It also makes your face kind of glow afterwards, and its a great feeling!

Yea, yea, I know right? Baby shampoo! But here's the thing: I ran out of shampoo, and decided to use the kids' shampoo, seeing as everything makes my hair frizz anyway. To my shock and delight, my bangs did not fuzz out and do some crazy wavy shit as usual, they dried pretty and straight and gorgeous! and my hair is naturally somewhat curly ... it dried in loose tube like curls! and shiny too! Now, I was expecting to pull my hair out brushing it out .... nope! My hair is naturally a bit on the thick side (and no lie, it's time to get it thinned out for sure. it needs to be layered anyway) and it DID feel somewhat thicker than usual, but not dry or fickle. Almost still somewhat wet (this was after sleeping allll night!). But it brushed right through, brushed out straight, and STAY THAT WAY! So yea. My new hair crack is baby shampoo. This specific kind, because I'm not too sure about the other's, lol!
And while I'm on the subject of things that make me feel alot better about life, anyone whos having an acne issue should try this stuff!

No, its not acne medication, its a masque that you let dry and peel off. It leaves your face feeling tingly and fresh, and my acne has cleared up a considerable LOT! It also makes your face kind of glow afterwards, and its a great feeling!

it's at the convention center next to the holiday inn, over behind steak and shake. you can call either of us and we'll meet you somewhere close by if you can't find it but you should reeeeeeeaally try to swing by. :]]