- Went tanning today for the first time in forever omgwtf.
- Took the kids for a stroll around the square.
- went for a long drive in the country to clear my mind.
- Made a plan of action, and am sticking to it. no matter what.
- working three jobs is just not alot of fun.
but i think it will pay off in a couple months when I have quite a bit saved up and can afford to slow down working and start having fun with friends more often. :]
Thats all fo' now!!
- Went tanning today for the first time in forever omgwtf.
- Took the kids for a stroll around the square.
- went for a long drive in the country to clear my mind.
- Made a plan of action, and am sticking to it. no matter what.
- working three jobs is just not alot of fun.

Thats all fo' now!!
i have tons to tell you but it'll have to wait til i go home in a couple days, boyfriend has taken me hostage and is super nosy about who i'm talking to on the phoneeeeeee. boo nosy. but yes. settling. happy. the yeeeeeek kind of happy too. YAY!