So, I think it's time for an update, damn!
* I have completely decided where I am going with my academic future. I've been iffy since I started college, because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but one day about a month ago it smacked me in the face. Why wasn't it so obvious before? I'm not sure, but now I just know. It's what I'm meant to be, and I'm happy with where I'm going. Plus .. $85 - 100/hr? My God!
* The said career path above requires me to do about 5 more years of schooling, but I'm totally cool with that. I've been looking through jobs in KY that I can once I graduate next summer with my Bachelor's and they pay in the ballpark of $15/hr, and I'm totally cool with making that until I get my Master's. At which time, my pay will shoot up, and while I'm working, finish up my Ph.D and be a DOCTOR. Fuck. Yes.
* My daughter is starting preschool in just a few weeks. My, how the time does fly!
* I love my current job. So very very much .
* It just feels like all the pieces are falling together. This excites me so much because for the past couple years I've felt like things were falling slightly apart, and now it fits together more perfectly than ever. I guess what they say IS true. It *is* always darkest before the dawn.
* I'm taking hip hop dance classes and fucking enjoying the hell out of it. Plus, getting more tone! Once I finish this 8 wk course, I'll post a video of my new skills!
* Also, a boy I still care about an extreme lot has come back into my life. I'm not rushing into anything, but I must say, I am still very stricken at heart. For a while he seemed like the biggest dick on the planet, but I'm starting to think maybe I was just complaining a bit too much about him. He's really not so bad at all .. in fact, he's rather .. intriguing.

* I have completely decided where I am going with my academic future. I've been iffy since I started college, because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but one day about a month ago it smacked me in the face. Why wasn't it so obvious before? I'm not sure, but now I just know. It's what I'm meant to be, and I'm happy with where I'm going. Plus .. $85 - 100/hr? My God!
* The said career path above requires me to do about 5 more years of schooling, but I'm totally cool with that. I've been looking through jobs in KY that I can once I graduate next summer with my Bachelor's and they pay in the ballpark of $15/hr, and I'm totally cool with making that until I get my Master's. At which time, my pay will shoot up, and while I'm working, finish up my Ph.D and be a DOCTOR. Fuck. Yes.
* My daughter is starting preschool in just a few weeks. My, how the time does fly!

* I love my current job. So very very much .
* It just feels like all the pieces are falling together. This excites me so much because for the past couple years I've felt like things were falling slightly apart, and now it fits together more perfectly than ever. I guess what they say IS true. It *is* always darkest before the dawn.
* I'm taking hip hop dance classes and fucking enjoying the hell out of it. Plus, getting more tone! Once I finish this 8 wk course, I'll post a video of my new skills!

* Also, a boy I still care about an extreme lot has come back into my life. I'm not rushing into anything, but I must say, I am still very stricken at heart. For a while he seemed like the biggest dick on the planet, but I'm starting to think maybe I was just complaining a bit too much about him. He's really not so bad at all .. in fact, he's rather .. intriguing.

good to know things are getting better. i know for a while everything was just one massive continuous dildo in your butt, so i'm happy to hear that things are settling. i'm still not entirely sure what the fuck is going on over here in my neck of the woods but at least one of us is happy, right? right! hooray! celebratory drinks on me, after i get home from talking to artsy types in north carolina! oh yeah, and i found out a few days ago that i'm making a fake snuff film while i'm out there. i'm not entirely sure how i feel about that yet but i get to wear the mask from scream AND a strap-on so i'm down.
also, the prospect of a video of you hip hop dancing on the internet makes me want to piss my pants laughing.
seriously! why do i say these things!
if you go around snooping on facebook you can probably figure out who he is. i'm not saying you SHOULD, but i mean, if you really WANT to... ;]
i probably have worse videos lurking around the dark corners of the wired. hip hop dancing would be a step up for me. but to start off your viral video career with that, is kind of terrifying.
i also just remembered that we were going to make a video where we made fun of the seriousvagina and his creepy manly girlfriend, but we never did it. it makes me really sad that we never got to do this. let's do this. let's also release pigs into the mall, and solve murders, and all the other ridiculous bullshit we keep talking about doing.