I still have a lot of work to do in the apartment, getting things put away, cleaned, still need some stuff for it in the long run, but all is well. Still no roommate, I'm making that top priority.
Last night I worked a 9 hour shift at lot 284 (an open lot in downtown). There were three weddings going on at the two hotels nearby, plus the standard party crowd. All in all I managed $44 in tips, most of them from only a couple of people. Most people don't think of a parking attendant as a person you normally tip, but in general they aren't payed worth crap (a guy that has been there for nine years makes only $9.25/h, I make $7/h) and in the open non-automated lots they have to work their asses off for you. Due to my banner night last night I was able to enjoy my day off today and spent it at the Bristol Renn Faire. Brian Walley (my friend from Waukegan) got me a discounted ticket (down to $10 from $18) and I was able to enjoy myself immensely on the $44 I got in tips the entire day. I ate steak-on-a-stake, Veggie Tempura, tried an Italian bread (that starts with F but I don't know the rest of the word, something like facciato), had a mugful of iced spiced chai tea and oodles of sassafras (root beer) as well as enjoying plenty of the shows that the faire had to offer and drooling offer plenty of the merchandise (but not buying). I wore my kilt and my frilly shirt and it went over pretty well with Brian in his kilt and Jeremy (my roommate from last year) wearing a vest and pair of pants of mine, we made quite an ensemble. I'd like to do some research to see if the Riley family has a Tartan of it's own, because then I could also get a kilt in the family's colors. At the end of the day we retired to Brian's house where we were waited on almost hand and foot by his mom despite telling her multiple times we could serve ourselves. We had dinner of brats and hamburgers with a fresh fruit mix and a tomato veggie mix on the side. Gas is down under $3 in Waukegan so I opted to fill er' up (gas is $3.30 in Milwaukee). Brian's mom sent me home with a small care package with some fruits and veggies to help me vary my diet a bit from rice and spaghetti.
School starts on Tuesday, I have only one class but I have plenty of other things to do so I won't really be sleeping in. I still have to purchase books and school supplies and need to go shopping for food again within the next week, I can't wait for my guard benefits to start up again that money will do wonders to help me get off of this thin line I'm walking. I got my first paycheck from work on Friday to the tune of $308, if that sounds low to you it's because it is, they failed to include my 10.5 hour shift from hell and couldn't get another check cut on Friday. I'm out of deposit envelopes from USAA and ordered more so I cant get the second check into the mail yet anyways.
Last Thursday Jeremy, Wes (a friend of his) and I went to Saki Tumi, a sushi restaurant on Milwaukee street. We each ordered one of the specials and a couple of drinks and appetizers which we shared, the tab came out to $50 for the three of us (which Jeremy picked up). If you want to be a little adventurous the food there was exquisite and we sat up on the bar so we could see them preparing ours and other dishes. And the night before that we (Jeremy, myself and a couple of other ROTC buddies) went to a concert because Jeremy had gotten reduced price tickets (cut the cost in half).
I've had some trouble with my guard unit, I keep calling to try to get information and never get an answer, besides a machine, or a response.
Well I'm still in my kilt and dusty clothes from the Faire so I bid the all good night and happy Labor Day as I retire to some cleaner more comfortable clothes.
Last night I worked a 9 hour shift at lot 284 (an open lot in downtown). There were three weddings going on at the two hotels nearby, plus the standard party crowd. All in all I managed $44 in tips, most of them from only a couple of people. Most people don't think of a parking attendant as a person you normally tip, but in general they aren't payed worth crap (a guy that has been there for nine years makes only $9.25/h, I make $7/h) and in the open non-automated lots they have to work their asses off for you. Due to my banner night last night I was able to enjoy my day off today and spent it at the Bristol Renn Faire. Brian Walley (my friend from Waukegan) got me a discounted ticket (down to $10 from $18) and I was able to enjoy myself immensely on the $44 I got in tips the entire day. I ate steak-on-a-stake, Veggie Tempura, tried an Italian bread (that starts with F but I don't know the rest of the word, something like facciato), had a mugful of iced spiced chai tea and oodles of sassafras (root beer) as well as enjoying plenty of the shows that the faire had to offer and drooling offer plenty of the merchandise (but not buying). I wore my kilt and my frilly shirt and it went over pretty well with Brian in his kilt and Jeremy (my roommate from last year) wearing a vest and pair of pants of mine, we made quite an ensemble. I'd like to do some research to see if the Riley family has a Tartan of it's own, because then I could also get a kilt in the family's colors. At the end of the day we retired to Brian's house where we were waited on almost hand and foot by his mom despite telling her multiple times we could serve ourselves. We had dinner of brats and hamburgers with a fresh fruit mix and a tomato veggie mix on the side. Gas is down under $3 in Waukegan so I opted to fill er' up (gas is $3.30 in Milwaukee). Brian's mom sent me home with a small care package with some fruits and veggies to help me vary my diet a bit from rice and spaghetti.
School starts on Tuesday, I have only one class but I have plenty of other things to do so I won't really be sleeping in. I still have to purchase books and school supplies and need to go shopping for food again within the next week, I can't wait for my guard benefits to start up again that money will do wonders to help me get off of this thin line I'm walking. I got my first paycheck from work on Friday to the tune of $308, if that sounds low to you it's because it is, they failed to include my 10.5 hour shift from hell and couldn't get another check cut on Friday. I'm out of deposit envelopes from USAA and ordered more so I cant get the second check into the mail yet anyways.
Last Thursday Jeremy, Wes (a friend of his) and I went to Saki Tumi, a sushi restaurant on Milwaukee street. We each ordered one of the specials and a couple of drinks and appetizers which we shared, the tab came out to $50 for the three of us (which Jeremy picked up). If you want to be a little adventurous the food there was exquisite and we sat up on the bar so we could see them preparing ours and other dishes. And the night before that we (Jeremy, myself and a couple of other ROTC buddies) went to a concert because Jeremy had gotten reduced price tickets (cut the cost in half).
I've had some trouble with my guard unit, I keep calling to try to get information and never get an answer, besides a machine, or a response.
Well I'm still in my kilt and dusty clothes from the Faire so I bid the all good night and happy Labor Day as I retire to some cleaner more comfortable clothes.
I don't even want to KNOW what the cha-cha slide is! (I shudder to think...) I know someone who may need a roommate soon, but whoever he lives with must be clean and non-indoor smoking. You still looking for someone?
MArquette area, huh? He probably wouldn't want to live there. He won't leave Shorewood. Oh well. You might have luck with roommates.com, that's how i hooked up with the girls I live with.