Longtime huh????
guess I really don't have much to say...or maybe I
m just outgrowing the need to dump my random thoughts onto a faceless page that never talks back to me anyway...*SIGH* Oh well.....
Actually today is a day for happiness. one year ago today I gave matrimony a second chance. I know, I said I'd never do it.
"Tim doesn't give second chances, if you walk away you better be sure it is what you want." (GOD!!!! I hate people who talk in the third person) Well, someone convinced it was worth it. So, I haven't been disappointed. Though I will admit there have been times when I miss being alone. It's my nature. I guess the secret to real happiness is to find duality and stay there. I guess I found where everything makes sense again.
Oh...there are low moments as well as high. No matter how hoard I try I'm still told by the people that care that I am a glass half empty person...you know what I say to that? Deal with it ...it's who i am. I'm still really envious of most of you here in 'the community" . You are all much younger and prettier than I am, but i'm told I have the gift of experience. Not really a fair trade off, but I manage.
I am happy though, very happy. I guess my glass is fuller than it has been years. I wish that everybody out there finds whatever brings you bliss. Another person, or a cause, or that little something who defines you. Faceless page...i will always love you for being there for me. For just listening and never judging.
NOW.....I have a challenge. I need a word to replace one I really don't like., The word I hate is TOLERANCE. I know, what could i possibly have against Tolerance, isn't that what everybody want's???? Well, when you think about it tolerance is a negative word. It means I DO NOT accept who you are, but I will keep my mouth shut, and suffer in silence.
I think I'd rather have someone tell me they couldn't be my friend because of who I am, than to pretend hoping that they will eventually "CHANGE" me.
Well Truth Seekers....I wish you well......
Longtime huh????
guess I really don't have much to say...or maybe I
m just outgrowing the need to dump my random thoughts onto a faceless page that never talks back to me anyway...*SIGH* Oh well.....
Actually today is a day for happiness. one year ago today I gave matrimony a second chance. I know, I said I'd never do it.
"Tim doesn't give second chances, if you walk away you better be sure it is what you want." (GOD!!!! I hate people who talk in the third person) Well, someone convinced it was worth it. So, I haven't been disappointed. Though I will admit there have been times when I miss being alone. It's my nature. I guess the secret to real happiness is to find duality and stay there. I guess I found where everything makes sense again.
Oh...there are low moments as well as high. No matter how hoard I try I'm still told by the people that care that I am a glass half empty person...you know what I say to that? Deal with it ...it's who i am. I'm still really envious of most of you here in 'the community" . You are all much younger and prettier than I am, but i'm told I have the gift of experience. Not really a fair trade off, but I manage.
I am happy though, very happy. I guess my glass is fuller than it has been years. I wish that everybody out there finds whatever brings you bliss. Another person, or a cause, or that little something who defines you. Faceless page...i will always love you for being there for me. For just listening and never judging.
NOW.....I have a challenge. I need a word to replace one I really don't like., The word I hate is TOLERANCE. I know, what could i possibly have against Tolerance, isn't that what everybody want's???? Well, when you think about it tolerance is a negative word. It means I DO NOT accept who you are, but I will keep my mouth shut, and suffer in silence.
I think I'd rather have someone tell me they couldn't be my friend because of who I am, than to pretend hoping that they will eventually "CHANGE" me.
Well Truth Seekers....I wish you well......