Sufering an insomnia attack from hell right now. I have been awake for alomst 71 hours now. I can't sleep...well, maybe tonight exhaustion will finally take over. Here's to hoping.
So, one thing that sleep deprivation does for you is it delivers you to a whole new level of coniousness (sp). I have questions....lots of questions.
tonight I wonder how many of you were cheerleaders once in your life, and are now reformed. Maybe you see nothing wrong with being a cheerleader, it was a nessassary part of your life. I ask because I have been having high school flasjbaks lately, and I realize that teenage girls are the most evil thing on the planet. Especailly if you are an awkward, nebish, geely teenage boy. Now, not all teenage girls , just cheerleaders and their minions.
Well..I get to start traveling again tomorrow, and you know what traveling means. STAMPS IN MY PASSPORT.!!!!!! I love it. first Amsterdam, but just for one day. Not even overnight. Then Spain for a whole week. Hopefully.
I saw a great movie the other night. Has anybody ever seen "The Quiet" ? Elisha Cuthbert playing against type as a girl involved in an incestous relationship with her father. Camilla Belle as a girl faking being deaf mute is exceptional. The fact I was twatching it with a group of "GUYS" waiting for a money shot kind of dampered it for me sucked. But I still liked it. This movie is what made me remember how cruel high school girls can be.
Well...wish me luck ..i'm going to try to sleep.
Stay Cool....Stay Safe....Peace.
Sufering an insomnia attack from hell right now. I have been awake for alomst 71 hours now. I can't sleep...well, maybe tonight exhaustion will finally take over. Here's to hoping.
So, one thing that sleep deprivation does for you is it delivers you to a whole new level of coniousness (sp). I have questions....lots of questions.
tonight I wonder how many of you were cheerleaders once in your life, and are now reformed. Maybe you see nothing wrong with being a cheerleader, it was a nessassary part of your life. I ask because I have been having high school flasjbaks lately, and I realize that teenage girls are the most evil thing on the planet. Especailly if you are an awkward, nebish, geely teenage boy. Now, not all teenage girls , just cheerleaders and their minions.
Well..I get to start traveling again tomorrow, and you know what traveling means. STAMPS IN MY PASSPORT.!!!!!! I love it. first Amsterdam, but just for one day. Not even overnight. Then Spain for a whole week. Hopefully.
I saw a great movie the other night. Has anybody ever seen "The Quiet" ? Elisha Cuthbert playing against type as a girl involved in an incestous relationship with her father. Camilla Belle as a girl faking being deaf mute is exceptional. The fact I was twatching it with a group of "GUYS" waiting for a money shot kind of dampered it for me sucked. But I still liked it. This movie is what made me remember how cruel high school girls can be.
Well...wish me luck ..i'm going to try to sleep.
Stay Cool....Stay Safe....Peace.

If you don't yet have a place to stay, STAY AT THE WINSTON. You won't be disappointed. And if you want to experience the night that I fell in love with my one and only, go to the Casa Rosa sex show (it's on the main strip, anyone will know where it is and how to point you there).
Also, if you get tired of partying, please please please visit the art museum (I can't for the life of me spell it.. the Riskjik Museum, wow that was butchered). They are still doing some construction I believe, but they do an amazing light show with Rembrandt's "Night Watch," and it is definitely worth making the trip. It's not a bad walk.
Bulldog is also a great cafe if you are searching for that type of thing.
Spain, I don't got anything. But it's a shame that you aren't there yet, huge game today! It would be a good time to enjoy that while in Spain. My cousin just moved to Spain on Wednesday, she's getting her teaching certification, she'll be teaching Spanish there for about six months and then moving somewhere in the world....
It is so good to hear that you are doing well. Tell me about your travels!
I know what you mean about high school girls, too. They are the most evil beings on the planet. I used to be a high school girl, sadly. I was on both sides of the equation. At that age it's hard to turn your back on girls like that and stand up for yourself if they offer you friendship and acceptance. But I finally managed! I think being on both sides of that fence though has made me realize now that there are assholes and there are genuine people in every social circle or subculture, sometimes the pretty, popular girls are really amazing people and sometimes the alternative kids who don't give a fuck are judgmental, conformist assholes.
My paypal email is wendysuicide@yahoo.com but I feel bad just accepting something from you without giving something in return.... you don't want a print? not even one?