Sobriety is a good thing ...insn't it?
I think too much when i'm not drinking.
This week-end, ghost of my past.
life seems so unequal. I think yes.
the male of the species is at it's best easily manipulated. at it's worst absolulty unintelligent. I fear for our existence.
a man will let himself be absolutly humiliated all for a piece of ass.
what's worse, a girl will let him.
who is the smarter sex?
Question: If there was a site EXACTLY like SG, only it was male oriented would it be as popular if they had all male group sets?
I guess i'm curious why casual bi-sexuality is thought of as acceptable and even chic for women, but thought of as wrong for men even by women who consider them selves progressive.
Oh well.....
I think too much when i'm not drinking.
This week-end, ghost of my past.
life seems so unequal. I think yes.
the male of the species is at it's best easily manipulated. at it's worst absolulty unintelligent. I fear for our existence.
a man will let himself be absolutly humiliated all for a piece of ass.
what's worse, a girl will let him.
who is the smarter sex?
Question: If there was a site EXACTLY like SG, only it was male oriented would it be as popular if they had all male group sets?
I guess i'm curious why casual bi-sexuality is thought of as acceptable and even chic for women, but thought of as wrong for men even by women who consider them selves progressive.
Oh well.....

It will never be -in my opinion- absolutely mainstream accepted for guys to be into challenges (dare I say threatens) the social fabric of society.... here, in america at least.
If a mans sexuality is defined as being the Other compliment to a Woman then if he takes on the trad characteristics of the Female there is no other....without the other there is no self, right? So it's a lot bigger deal than hey everyone, lets just love who we love...
And I think the biggest reason why it's not "Ok" for guys to be open about being with guys is not because guys hate it so much, but that it isn't widely appealing to girls. I think most guys know that most guys have a little gay in em, but it's the girls who can't really handle it. So no one can.
make sense?
I think what I need to do more of is drink a bit, rather than try to drink a bunch. Like two beers last night- that was a good amount.