hi sg
first of all I want to wish you all a nice new year 2013.
I'm not that celebrate Christmas, my thoughts are different and do not agree to spend money and hold a date, giving expensive gifts, killing animals for dinner, celebrate the birth of a God who is just and loving.
but I wonder if it is fair and loving, that show with material things in the world when there are so many starving children, people in war, dying, they do not know it's a Christmas.
I believe in God but not in religion, contradictions and customs, perhaps my God is not the same as many, but I have learned that life, the world has offered us is to enjoy it and be good to act with love Despite all the bad things that you may live.
I learned to be alone, to defend the intellectual animals (humans) to be selfish, to share, to love and hate, Whichever teach me life and people.
learn to survive in this world.
I can not be good buying from a friend or family member the most expensive sweater and brand of Christmas is not your birthday, is the birthday of God, to give away to others? why not give your bnndad and charity? Why not buy that sweater instead of a blanket to a person who is cold?
I do not understand ... to me this world is crazy and corrupted jajjajaja
Anyway ... in the new year like a nice wish luck to the people I love, and q the year brings happiness, love, support, projects and goals. thousands of cute and magical things we want. I hope to be a good year for all.
I is very difficult to be on the internet now, just got to work and in four hours I should be in the tattoo but I wanted to blog and thank you for all the love and support they give to my work and I've worked Photographs , as all do with love.
thank you! a big hug ... XD life and smile upon each day as our actions, we reward! ...
I'm super happy, on Monday I have my apartment with a friend from Spain, which is a great artist, buy my couch for tattooing, and start working from home.
Best of all is that this year I'm going to fight more than ever, my goal is to have my son in November in Buenos Aires living next to me.
I have many people who support me and help me and know that my son is my life ... and motivated me a lot and we will never be happy solos.estoy what I accomplished people who appreciate me and love me, so I do not mind working 24 hours. I am happy to share with them, are the people I
hear every day, advise me, hug me and tell me that everything will be fine, soon I will be with my son. and everyone wants to be uncles, godparents hahaha.
I find it hard to trust people, but lately life has given me the opportunity to put people in my path to make me smile.
I have no time to answer messages, comments, little by little I do, I love reading everything I send, and more I would love to talk to everyone, every day, but it's impossible! ...
hugs, kisses and dreams cute!
wake up and make it happen! .
I love them!
BY: Delfino
my last video made in Argentina, with the band is something wrong

my first set to zivity by delfino

Ashtar and sofia ... my son and daughter Fernanda my goddess! not beautiful? two angels are painted by hand and with love.

next set by Pulse

Gracias hermosa... xo besos

De nada linda Gracias a ti por aceptar