I know that some day in life, on any given night you want to feel free and that nothing I will do this same amount on the street alone! have many joints in my head, many fernets, an acid XD lol good music and the world is worth shit me, no matter if they think I'm crazy and a fool ... I just want to dance and feel free for a moment in the middle the chaos of the city! Ohhh Kosmikooo!!
Krito Bitch!! ... oops i did it again !!

wowww! Friday night in the house!-actually Saturday at dawn- good hangover from a very good night with the girls,Ginebra, Liu, JaneGreen, Prussia, Casiopea, Belena came to visit, she is lovely and beautiful! spent a wild night of drinks, tits, Lol! jajajaj days ago that we were and decided to meet and give a welcome to Bethlehem ... then ended up throwing a bar for drunk ... ! and I needed a good party and be with all! so I do not mind this day hangover! ... After d emuchas crazy things that happened to my end of year, I realized that these moments are the most valuable and beautiful to remember! So despite all the difficulties, problems, sorrows, do not hurt people, I set a goal this year and always be happy and enjoy every day! for later recall with joy ... and I'm so super mood improvement, work's going great with the team's study of tattoos and great artists of whom I learn from my new family, my friends, the Happy Holidays! happy that in February begin to study English, I did a test and 26% jajajajaja obtube first level immediately, but I hope to learn soon, happy that Tom comes to Argentina, who's birthday the same day, and we celebrate a feast paar nusetros birthday and holiday after been fulfilled with the other girls to see Paprika, I'm super excited, and I spend an entire weekend with them, will be a celebration of rock and roll as ever XD!
Well these were some days of relaxation with friends ...
kisses everywhere! big hugs .... Sometimes I lose a lot and do not answer messages quickly .... but try to get the q max and work! Lol!

Le Tigre!!!

Kiss!! Krito

hola flaca , como van las cosas espero que lo disfrutes y lo pases muy bien
Lucky girl! Enjoy it.