I want to wish all members and SG beautiful girls a Happy New Year ... that every day is full of surprises and motivations for a new dawn, my new year was by my new adoptive family, all are from Peru, and spend a nice evening with them, who have welcomed me as one of a family, I miss my son to my family, my friends! but today life and thank God for giving me so many people in Argentina who love me! .
During my stay in Argentina everything has happened to me both happy and sad, a cousin died, someone I love very much lost her baby and
January 1 killed himself a great friend of Colombia, which gave me very hard and I've been a little sick, sad at times be away from the people you love and do not know if one day you will have the chance to see them again: (... just comforts me to know that there is a new Angel helps to lift with their wings, every time q falls!
On the other hand arrived from Geneva Urugay my super friend! so that I have again with who smile every moment with her is magical! the best that happened to me to be here! thanks for everything!
This year I have many goals and projects, with my profession as a tattoo artist, body piercings, designer accessories!
in February I start my English classes, which I hope someday finally not to use a translator lol! XD and a course of body modification and body piercings with Matthias, the rat, one of the best in the field, learning from my teacher Henry Anglas, and improving a lot! early in my line of accessories for sale at various locations in Buenos Aires tattoo! ... And much more I want to do this year to the end of the year for my son to travel and be with the ... see his face and smile is what motivates me every day to get up and continue on the battlefield ... ! This is the first time I have to live the new year so far from my son, my family and my friends! And I must say to all those close to me that I love and that although the process in which I am is difficult for me, I found the support of many people who love me and who have made this less hard and supported me all the time ... ! Happy 2012
the love of my life ... my little prince

My new angel!! the most beautiful of the sky

Happy new year!!


do not forget to bring a towel
Carito! como andas? como llegaste bien al trabajo? que haces hoy? deberamos salir de nuevo!