Rat Race
Welcome to my rat race.
My opinions are all fact-based.
Run, bitch run cause you're in LAST place!
I am the center of all controversy.
Your arguments arent even worthy.
Lets take a trip to do a taxidermy;
Where I'll stuff you like the rat you are.
While Im rising up like a fucking star.
You'll be begging me, 'Oh mercy mercy!'
Im reality. You're an avatar.
So take a back seat in my car;
Pipe dreaming up, something sappy.
And while you're napping,
I'll be setting you up. Rat trap happy.
Your ignorance is limitless!
You've been dismissed.
By Kristy Doll
Welcome to my rat race.
My opinions are all fact-based.
Run, bitch run cause you're in LAST place!
I am the center of all controversy.
Your arguments arent even worthy.
Lets take a trip to do a taxidermy;
Where I'll stuff you like the rat you are.
While Im rising up like a fucking star.
You'll be begging me, 'Oh mercy mercy!'
Im reality. You're an avatar.
So take a back seat in my car;
Pipe dreaming up, something sappy.
And while you're napping,
I'll be setting you up. Rat trap happy.
Your ignorance is limitless!
You've been dismissed.
By Kristy Doll
Good one -- you got me there!!! 

yea, i have always secretly wanted a therapist. the one time that my made me go to one was cuz of a ecstasy incident and she thought i was doing lots of drugs cuz i was sad or some shit, which was not true, and so because i was annoyed for her sending me to one i made my point very clear that i was fine, it was just normal teenage experimentation. and i have ever since regretted that i didn't keep the therapists number. my problem now is that i do not want my mom finding out that i want to see a therapist and i have absolutely no money to see one.