First, a bit about my last blog, Spoilered.
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My boyfriend, as anyone that has read about him in the past can tell, is an all around terrible person. This is not due to his own personal decisions.. He's got some psychological problems that cause him to make poor decisions, and to not be able to make the connection between doing something bad and consequences.
What I was referring to in my last blog in specific, was yet another mistake he had made without realizing what he was doing. The difference this time was that once I got home, and found out what he had done.. He actually connected the fact that he did something, and now something had to happen because of it. Which is something he was never able to do before as I mentioned above. He now accepts that he needs to get help, and has an appointment this Thursday with a therapist to figure out what his next step needs to be. So as fucked up as it was that I had to go through something like that yet again I am thankful that it was the last shove he needed to accept professional help.
My pig has been doing wonderful, It was recently her 1st birthday!
(I have a video to add for this once its finished uploading)
I am trying to obtain a more natural, classy wardrobe. No more of that obnoxious pink and other bright colors. I think I'll be a lot happier with my appearance once this is done. First though, I need some help finding some vegan moccasins! I want some ridiculously badly. Also, if you know a really good seller for natural, and preferably hand made or vintage clothing, let me know. As a part of this mission I will also be trying to get my hair to dread again. Its soooo fine, thin, &straight that I just dont know if it will be possible. I miss my lil dreadies.
On the girlfriend finding front... Im still not having much success. Is it too much to ask to find a beautiful vegan/vegetarian girl that lives relatively close by and doesnt do drugs(including smoking)?! I dont think those few qualifications are too picky. In fact, they're pretty flexible qualifications too. At least I have a date to look forward to with one of the most beautiful SG's on the site (in my opinion). I cant wait till she's around my area! You know who you are, and now you know Im looking forward to seeing you. Where you at girlie?!
IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!! Hopefully starting this week! I decided I dont want to get a GED, I really want a high school diploma. So I am going back to high school. Yes, Like, REAL high school.. Full time. I'll be in class with people years younger than myself but I dont care. Im really proud of myself for finally getting to it.
I believe thats all there is for updates now.

Rant about obligation, Spoilered.
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On a dating website that matches based on questions answered, One of the questions was "Do you feel obligated to help your fellow human beings?" Most people answered yes. And selected NOT to accept people that answered no. I answered no. Why should I be obligated to do anything for anyone? Im not. and I absolutely dont feel like I should be. This does NOT mean that I wouldnt happily help someone in need, But once you throw obligation in then you arent doing it out of the kindness of your heart. I would much rather have someone do something for me because they WANTED to, not because they feel like they have to. After I answered this, and began to realize just how many people answered "yes" I though about it more. I started noticing people doing things because they feel obligated in real life. And my reaction was always the same, WHY are you doing it if you dont want to? Example: I went camping thi weekend and my friend and I had trouble putting up the tent. A guy close by came over and helped us out. I thanked him kindly for being a good guy, and to me, that should have been the end of our interactions with him. (He was pretty creepy/sketchy, Not someone I'd like to hang around with).. He came by a few times to see if we wanted to hang out, My friend felt that we should (OBLIGATION!) because he helped us. Why the fuck should we?!! Not only do we not want to, But why lead someone else on like that? Why let him think we want to be friends when we dont? Why not just be straight forward, thank the man for helping, and move the fuck on. Situations like this have come up a lot now that I've noticed this issue with obligation. It just bothers the crap out of me.