R.I.P Elefant. 
12.25.09 - 7.16.11
These were her last pictures taken two days ago...

When I took the above pictures I looked at my boyfriend and said "Dave, she knows she's dying..." And all day today I felt it. I knew that she knew. I held her all morning.. I put her down to take a shower, and when I came back out she was gone...

12.25.09 - 7.16.11
These were her last pictures taken two days ago...

When I took the above pictures I looked at my boyfriend and said "Dave, she knows she's dying..." And all day today I felt it. I knew that she knew. I held her all morning.. I put her down to take a shower, and when I came back out she was gone...
I'm sorry, friend. She looks like such a sweetheart, and so happy. Are you holding up okay?