Lately, Animals and dealing with them has not left me in a happy place. With the recent death of my rat, as well as that ferret issue. Things just havent quite gone my way. I want so badly to do good for animals, Its been what the majority of my life and many of my choices have been about. I chose to stop eating meat when I was 7 years old. SEVEN years old! I was one overly environmentally conscious child. I remember in pre school, the day before my first day, my mom let me watch a show about how we kicked out the Native Americans. And I was SOOO MAD! Can you imagine, this little 3 year old, shaking their fist standing up with my head poking out the sun roof in the car pool lane of preschool, Yelling at everyone for being so terrible to the Native Americans.. Yep, That was me. Its been hard on me lately, I keep getting reminded that my sweet rat had died. And when that ferret showed up, I was SURE it was a sign from my rat to be happy and love this new animal. So as you can imagine I was heart broken when this uncaring family showed up to take her away from me. But, alas! I have found something positive and inspiaring out of all this. Im now working on becoming a foster home for small and exotic animals! I know I can do amazing things for the pets that need a loving home while they wait for a more permanent loving family. I want to be that place they show up to learn how to feel safe. And I only pray that when they leave me, they go on to feel safe and loved in an awesome home. I think this will be perfect for me, And I thank my sweet rat and that unfortunate ferret so much for showing me what I need to do with my self.
Then that makes two things we have in common--we both love animals and we both have good taste...
thanks again for being my friend!
