I have a ferret that was found outside in a garden. It must have gotten loose from someones home. I have never owned ferrets so I dont know how to care for it, I need any info that could be important. Right now she is in a large cat carrier, with some cat food(it was the best I could do), a tshirt to lay on, bedding, a water bottle, toilet paper rolls to play with, and bedding. I want to do my best to find the ferrets owners, who Im sure are worried sick right now. And if I cant find them, I may end up either keeping the ferret or taking it to somewhere that could care for it. I need advice on how to handle this situation, and if there is anythign I can do to better care for it while I have it, considering that it hopefully will be returning to its owners and wont be permanently staying with me so I cant go out and buy it too much. Thankyou!
Edit: My aunt just called me and said there was a woman going door to door looking for it! Its a 3 year old childs pet.. I dont think 3 year olds should even have pets.. Im really upset now, These people clearly dont care for her the right way. her nails are VERY long&She seems under weight, she's been loose for a day.. and I have to hand her over to them tonight.
I have a ferret that was found outside in a garden. It must have gotten loose from someones home. I have never owned ferrets so I dont know how to care for it, I need any info that could be important. Right now she is in a large cat carrier, with some cat food(it was the best I could do), a tshirt to lay on, bedding, a water bottle, toilet paper rolls to play with, and bedding. I want to do my best to find the ferrets owners, who Im sure are worried sick right now. And if I cant find them, I may end up either keeping the ferret or taking it to somewhere that could care for it. I need advice on how to handle this situation, and if there is anythign I can do to better care for it while I have it, considering that it hopefully will be returning to its owners and wont be permanently staying with me so I cant go out and buy it too much. Thankyou!
Edit: My aunt just called me and said there was a woman going door to door looking for it! Its a 3 year old childs pet.. I dont think 3 year olds should even have pets.. Im really upset now, These people clearly dont care for her the right way. her nails are VERY long&She seems under weight, she's been loose for a day.. and I have to hand her over to them tonight.

Ill let you know if i forget anything and want to mention it!