That means its been a year sense I've been on SG, and a year sense I've been a phone sex operator, a year sense I started selling nudes and naughty things.. A year sense I was first called 'barely legal.' I kinda based my life around just the fact that I was 18. In my job especially, it was my main promotional pull. Am I going to loose all my clients now that Im not 'the barely legal girl next door"? I REALLY dont want to be 19.. Oh well, Im sure there will be tons of love and joy in being 19 too!
Speaking of my job.. Im taking a bit of a break from all work related "adult" stuff. It has worn me down a bit over the year. I've been thinking about going back to school because I have still yet to finish high school, Education is important to me even though other things in my life took priority for a while. I've also been offered a job at an AMAZING cafe in my town, Its called The Wholesome Cafe. I go there pretty often. I didnt even ask for the job, they offered it to me!!! They specialize in ALL natural foods, organic foods, and even vegan foods! There's a little something for everyone there. So it over all felt like if ever I was to take a break, Now would be the right time so I can figure out what it is I want to do.
I've been cooking a ton of stuff. I recently became strictly vegan again because I can actually afford to buy food! I've also been doing this thing I call "The nomnom project" Where I take pictures of everything I eat/cook and posting them on facebook. The reasoning? Because I figure if I have to show everyone what Im eating I'll have to make it look damn good. So it'll inspire me to eat and cook better.
While Im talking about food, and styles of eating, Im looking onto begging a raw diet as well. It seems like such a good and healthy choice, I can see what would go wrong with it. Im very excited to learn more about it and start eating 100% raw foods. Of course that'll mean using up most of my cookable foods first.. The pasta and stuff in cans can wait until Im done though. I've also been very interested in doing The Master Clense(the lemonade cleanse). I want to be an over all healthy, clean person. So I want to get EVERYTHING bad out of me.
I have acquired some new tattoos recently, I posted them in my last blog but I figured they can be thrown in this one as well sense this is a general life update.
My amazing and wonderful pet pig has been, amazing and wonderful. I love Bear to death, She is my life. <3 <3 <3 Here's some pictures of her just because.
I think thats all for now.. <3 !!